Sniffles & Coughs & Sneezes...Oh My!!
Grab your Kleenex boxes & Vitamin C because we have begun the Never Ending Sickness months!!
This time of year always seems to be really bad for catching colds, fevers and tummy bugs and it is very important that we all do our part to stop the spread of germs.
If your child is going to be away due to illness, please call the office to let us know the illness & the symptoms as Licensing requires us to monitor and record all infectious illnesses at our preschool.
In the last 24 hours, if your child has had a fever, sore throat, tummy cramps, diarrhea or loose stool, has vomited or has taken any medicine to alleviate any of those symptoms, they should stay home.
If your child has low energy, is extra tired, has a persistent cough or is in pain due to an injury, they should stay home.
A child who has had a fever may return when they are 24 hours fever-free AND medicine-free.
A child who has had diarrhea or a loose stool, OR has vomited, can return 24 hours AFTER the last solid BM or the last vomit.
A child who has had diarrhea or a loose stool, AND has vomited, can return 48 hours AFTER the last solid BM and vomiting has stopped.
WHAT HAPPENED LAST MONTH??? Let's find out....
Discovery Twos
October was
an exciting month within the Rainbow Room. We celebrated the holidays
Thanksgiving and Halloween. Our classroom is always decorated with the
children’s beautiful art but one that stands out is the leaf painting! This project highlights the fall colours within the natural world.
Halloween parties were very successful for both the children and the teachers.
The students loved the many Halloween decorations within the room and the
teachers loved seeing the children enjoying their first preschool party. Thank
you to all of the parents that contributed to the party, we could not have done
it without you.
There are few reminders that we would like to pass along to the
parents. Firstly, please bring an extra change of clothes to school, especially a
t-shirt. Secondly, please bring proper shoes to school. If your child comes to
school in rain boots, having a pair of runners or shoes in their bag would be
appreciated. Lastly, please encourage your child to walk up and down the stairs
on their own. This gross motor movement is beneficial in many aspects of their
lives and gives the child practice for when they are travelling with
their classmates. Please remember to always hold on to the railing when using
the stairs.
We hope November will be as wonderful as October was for each and
every child in the Discovery Twos!
Arsi, Danielle, Stephanie and Susan
Hello everyone. For the month of October our themes were Thanksgiving and Halloween. We learned turkey songs and rhymes and made turkeys
for Thanksgiving. For Halloween we talked about spiders. The children have been
interested in the real ones and the webs they make in our playground. We also
made owls, pumpkins, bats and ghosts.
The children are comfortably settled in and are enjoying playing
with their class mates. We have a new boy, Tarquin and we said goodbye to Sanya
at the end of the month.
Some of the skills we are working on in class, are lining up
and staying in your spot, holding the railing on the stairs, using our words
and taking turns with toys.
For snack time, we notice many children are coming with
water bottles and our preference is to have cups as filling so many water bottles
can be time consuming. If your children prefer to have a water bottle we ask
that you please send it already filled.
Some rhymes and songs we learned this month;
The first one said, “Oh my it’s getting late.”
The second one said , “There are witches in the air.”
The third one said, “But we don’t care!”
The fourth one said, “Let’s run and run and run.”
The fifth one said , “I’m ready for some fun.”
OOOOO went the wind and out went the light.
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.
Friendly Ghost ( Frère Jacques tune)
I’m a friendly ghost, I’m a friendly ghost,
Watch me fly, watch me fly.
I can fly right through the air,
See how all the people stare.
Way up high, in the sky.
Estelle and Gabi
Class 302:
Where did October go? A beautiful sight was starting to
happen….the leaves were changing colour, fall was here.
We were bringing some of the ‘outside’ in with pine cones,
chestnuts, acorns and a variety of leaves. and using them for painting, art,
putting them in the water table, on the light table, sorting by size and
Dan was also presented to the children in a video. He talks about Fire Safety and things that
children should not be touching that are hot and how to drop, stop and roll. We
even crawled under pretend smoke to safety. All the children did very well with
both presentations.
Art we made….
with pine cones
with tissue
Our free art table had pumpkins, bats, ghosts, masks and
yellow goo.
day of our party the children came dressed in their Halloween best. We had
firefighters, a skeleton, princesses, a tiger, a witch, dragons, a flower, a
ninja and a paw patrol pup. Last but not least, thank you to the parents who
brought in treats to share at our party. Now on to November!
October was
a very fun month for the children with two exciting holidays to celebrate.
Firstly, we celebrated Thanksgiving by learning about the history and the well
known traditions that take place. Some of the highlights of Thanksgiving were the many turkey themed art projects that each child created, as well as
understanding the idea of being thankful. The teachers created a poster which
displayed each students' answer to what they were thankful for. The children’s
answers to this question were interesting, exciting and priceless.
A quick reminder to the parents...PLEASE bring a family
photo to the classroom so that a family album can be created. Thank you to the
parents and students who have already dropped a photo off. We are now on to the
month of November and we hope it is as fun as October was.
and Susan
October was a fun filled month with lots to learn! The children have settled nicely and are becoming familiar with the program and routines!
We began the month of October by speaking about Thanksgiving and what it means. During circle, we discussed how we were thankful for our families and friends. This discussion led us to make Thankful Tree Collages for art. We also remembered some of the food that we see at a Thanksgiving dinner like turkey, carrots, brussel sprouts and cranberry sauce. We brought in fresh cranberries to the water table for the children to explore and also to the science table for the children to weigh with scales. We also made cranberry sauce just in time for the weekend.
The children really enjoyed sharing their Tom Turkey disguises during circle time! Gobble

they were seeing like the leaves changing color and falling from trees. They would also share
how the weather was getting colder as well. We brought in real leaves to do a leaf collage and
we also used watercolors on leaf shaped diffusing paper. The children enjoyed watching the colors spread and blend together on the paper and make new colors. On one of the days, we walked along the perimeter of the school looking for signs of fall. We noticed the leaves on the ground, the colors of the leaves, the cooler air and the puddles. The children also mentioned how we dress warmer by wearing jackets, boots, long sleeve shirts.
Witches, spiders, and bats! Oh my! Halloween is always a fun time at preschool. Our first week of Halloween, the children practiced their hand-eye coordination by cutting a pumpkin in a swirl design and also gluing together a spider made from circles. Furthermore, we put our fine motor skills into use by making a bat from various materials, a springy witch using different shapes like triangles and rectangles, and we made collages of ghosts. We even had broomstick races, carved a class pumpkin, and watched a special Halloween movie. Our Halloween ended with our fun party! It was great to see the children dressed up in their costumes. Thank you to the parents who volunteered this time for the party food!
During this time, we also had a special visitor join us to talk to the class about pedestrian and traffic safety. Marion and Elmer the elephant reminded us about the importance of being aware and cautious when playing outside or crossing the street. We also watched a important video about fire and smoke safety with Firefighter Dan. This taught us how to stop, drop, and roll.
Moreover, how to crawl low under smoke to safety. We also practiced these skills in the
Moving into November, we will be introducing the class to Echo our adopted whale, a brief
glance at Remembrance Day, and we will begin our “Have you filled your bucket” fun!!!
If you have any question, please feel free to ask the teachers.
Class 304:
Next we went on to talk about all
things Halloween. At circle we talked about all the different things we might
see during Halloween time and which things are real and which are pretend. For
art we made ghosts with puffy paint, apple print jack o'lanterns, pumpkin
faces, spider webs with glitter, hand-print spiders, and paper plate bats. We
ended things off with our Halloween party. It was so much fun seeing all the
children in their costumes. Thank you for the yummy food!
Next we will be talking about
health and nutrition.
Stephanie and Gabi
Class 403:
Hello everyone. October has been a fun and busy month. First
off we sang turkey songs and made turkeys and centerpieces for Thanksgiving. We
talked about what we are thankful for and how we come together with family and
friends for this special holiday.
Next off we learned some Halloween songs and rhymes and made
lots of different crafts and art projects such as pumpkins, bats and
ghosts. The children practiced their
cutting skills in cutting out their own pumpkins and learning to follow
instructions and understanding language in putting together their
Frankenstein craft project.
We also talked about pretend and real, ie a pumpkin is real
but ghosts and monsters aren’t.
The children are beginning to form friendships and play
group games together such as tag outside or family in the home corner.
Some of the things we are working on to promote independence
and pre kindergarten skills are putting on their own coats, putting away their
coats, snack bags and art; fine motor skills such as cutting, drawing and gross
motor such as bikes and balls in the gym.
Some things to encourage these skills at home are to provide
markers, scissors and play-dough , and lots of outside play . To promote
independence children can pick up their toys, put dirty clothes in the hamper,
help and set the table etc. At this age children love to help and feel proud of
their efforts.
Thank you for letting us know when your children are away or
ill and the reason they are absent.
Estelle, Stephanie, Gabi, Sousan and Karen
Resource Office
I know it is hard to believe but
Christmas is just around the corner. I
thought it might be helpful to give you some gift ideas for your child.
The 3-5 year old children are developing
specific skills. They are working on
their social interaction with peers, learning basic academic skills, e.g.
recognizing their names and counting.
They are learning to adjust to more structured activities with defined
roles during play. Some recommended toys
would be board games, card games, dominoes, puppets and dress-up clothes.
The wonderful two year olds are all working so hard on
primary social skills, e.g. communicating with peers and sharing toys. Language is starting to emerge and they are
beginning to realize that their needs can be met by using their words. Imitative and imaginary play is an important
part of their day. They love to be
creative and enjoy rhythmic movement and the more repetitive the better. Some suggestions would be toy telephones,
riding toys, puzzles, simple musical instruments, dolls/stuffed animals and
lots of puppets, both finger and hand ones.
enhance play value when they:
be used in many ways
children to determine the play
to children at more than one age or level of development
not linked to video games, TV, or movies
be used with other toys for new and more complex play
stand the test of time and continue to be part of play as children develop new
interests and skills
respectful, non-stereotyped, non violent interactions among children
children develop skills important for further learning and a sense of mastery
Happy Shopping! Marion Porter
Christmas Bureau: Once again we will be collecting items to support a needy family at Christmas time. (More information to follow)
Lovable Labels:
Nov. 11 - Preschool Closed for Remembrance Day
Nov. 16 - PIZZA NIGHT / CAKE WALK (order forms due: Nov. 14)
Nov. 25 - Purdy's Chocolate Orders Due
Dec. 7/8 - Christmas Services
Dec. 14/15/16 - Class Christmas Parties
Dec. 16 - Last Day Preschool
Jan. 3 - First Day Preschool