Winter is soon to be here.
Scrape ice off windows to clear.
The wind has a chill.
We will slide down the hill,
When the snow is finally here!
It is absolutely unbelievable that we are into December already!! How did the time go by so fast?? We were probably having way too much fun!!
Dec. 12 - Christmas Service - Classes 302 & 402 - 6pm
Dec. 13 - Christmas Service - Classes 301 & 401 & 304/403 - 6pm
Dec. 20/21/22 - Children's Christmas Parties
Dec. 22 - Last Day Before Christmas Break
Jan. 8 - First Day Back To Preschool
Jan. 8 - Preschool Registration for Sept. 2018 - Current Families
Feb. 1 - Preschool Registration for Sept. 2018 - Community
Feb. 12 - Family Day - Preschool Closed
We will be sponsoring a family this Christmas from the Christmas Bureau.
We are waiting for the Christmas Bureau to issue us a family to sponsor this Christmas. We will be putting together a hamper and would love to have our families get involved.
If you feel that you are able to donate cash, gift cards or some of the items that have been requested by the family (list to come later), please drop them off at the preschool office at your earliest convenience.
Along with the items we will get for the hamper, we will also be looking for wrapping paper & bags and a big Tupperware bin to put all the treasures into! Let us know if you are able to help out!!
Wow!! Such generous families we have!!
We raised $850 from our Pizza Night, which was a HUGE SUCCESS!
We also raised $515 from all our Purdy's Chocolate sales!! Woot! Woot! Way better than last year!! Thanks to all you who ordered!

Scholastic Books has been a very popular fundraiser this year! Thank you to those of you who keep us supplied with free books and learning resources all year long!!
Don't forget to visit Cobs Bakery in Edgemont Village! Tell them when they are ringing you up that you support St. Catherine's Preschool and we will get 5% of your bill sent to us! Last year we got a cheque for $80! And who doesn't love to eat stuff from Cobs!!?
All the money that we raise from our fundraisers this year will go towards upgrading our playground.
Fundraisers to come:
Parent Social Night (ideas? Want to get involved?)
Parent Education Night (What do you want to learn about??)
The Card Project, and...?
Hope to see you out at some of our events!!
What Is Happening in the Classrooms??? Check it out!!!
Please take the time to read about what is going on it the classrooms. The teachers and children had a busy November learning and playing and having a lot of fun!
DISCOVERY TWOS - Arsi, Danielle, Susan & Vibha
What a great month it has been.
For the next few weeks we will be focusing on
Christmas. We are also working on the
children walking up and down the stairs on their own.
If you are starting
toilet training, please let us know as consistency is the KEY.
Any questions
please see Arsi, Danielle, Susan or Vibha.
301 - Estelle & Susan
Hi Everyone!
The classroom is always decorated with the
children art work. Each child takes great pleasure and care in their pieces.
Please take a look at our art boards in the hallways and in the classrooms as they change regularly.
The weather has changed in the last few weeks so we
moved inside to play. Please remember to bring running shoes for your children
as rain boots can be hard to play and run in and running around in socks is not permitted.
302 - Karen, Sousan, Aleysha & Brita
It’s hard to believe November is over already! It was a pleasure to see our children come
out to the pizza night with their families and have fun with their friends; we
thank you all for coming.
Here are some activities we have done throughout the month of
Circle Time, we played a colour matching game using bears. We also played a
game where the children had to find where the little bear is in his habitat on the
felt-board. We also read the books
“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” by Bill Martin, “The Very Itchy Bear”
by Mick Bland , “The Little Busy Squirrel” by Nancy Tafuri as well as “We’re
Going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen. We also sang the songs “I Love My
Teddy” and “Five Little Squirrels”.
In memory of Remembrance Day, we decorated paper plates with paper
As for next month,
we have already started to get ready for our Christmas Service, and make our
“Christmas Surprise” during the Art time! We also read the book “Little Tree” by E.E Cummings and sang some Christmas songs such as “Five Little Reindeer” and “Christmas Lights” at circle time.
Just a quick
reminder, please don’t forget to dress your children according to the colder
weather because we will go the playground when it is not raining. Please be
sure to pack a pair of sneakers to change with their boots for indoor wear.
check our bulletin boards to be informed of our upcoming Christmas service and
class Christmas Party.
401 - Karen & Rosie
Wow it feels like November just flew by!
The children accomplished so much this month, as they learned about Remembrance
Day, the Deep Blue Sea and Construction! To start our month off the children
read silly stories in class, and remembered that it is always healthy to laugh,
and be kind with our friends and the people all around us. To commemorate Remembrance
Day, as a class we discussed why we celebrate November 11th and made
Poppies that the children said, “look just like the ones on our coats!”.
We began our Under
the Sea week by introducing Echo! Echo is our Orca Whale friend that lives in
the ocean, but we keep a special stuffed animal version so that it can be in
our classroom too. Echo will be sent home with each child, for one weekend, so
that they can go on lots of exciting adventures together.
We also made some super
painted, paper bag Puffer Fish and Crazy Colourful Jellyfish!
As we concluded
looking at Sea Life, we changed directions and began learning about
Construction! In our week of Construction, we discussed different big machines
that help us build, construction workers and the construction site itself. We
reviewed our shapes when we built our Bulldozers and painted houses with
different shaped sponges!
It was a wonderful month filled with
delightful moments of learning.
402 - Arsi, Danielle & Rosie
We can’t believe how quickly November came and went!
We started November with the most groovy cat we know, Pete.
We read a few popular Pete the Cat books and discovered Pete loves his white shoes and he has lots of groovy buttons. This allowed the children a great opportunity to practice their cutting when they cut Pete’s shirt to glue on his groovy buttons. We also used our fine motor skills and hand eye coordination by collaging Pete himself and his colorful shoes.
Our next exciting topic was a little book with big fun called “Have you filled a bucket today?” We talked about how everyone has an invisible bucket that they carry and throughout the day, they must try doing good things to fill their buckets. For example, helping clean up or share a toy. The children were excited about introducing a class jar that we get to fill as long as we work together as a team to do kind things. We will be continuing bucket filling throughout the school year and we encourage parents to do so at home as well.
We also talked about Remembrance Day and how a long time ago people were bucket dipping and not being friendly. The children learned this day was for us to remember the people who had gone to heaven in order to make Canada a safe and peaceful place for
us to live. We listened to a poem called “Poppy” and also looked at a felt rhyme called “Five little soldiers.” We also made a wreath using red poppies.
construction sites and all the busy people working on a site. We practiced more cutting, collaging, and gluing. We even had Ken the construction worker come visit us. He showed us some cool tools from his tool belt and his safety gear. On our last day, we even became construction workers as we used a hammer and nails to make our own wooden art piece. What a fun month it has been.
In December, the children will be busy learning their songs for our Christmas concert.
We will be doing a lot of fun Christmas activities as well.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask a teacher!
403 - Estelle, Karen, Sousan
This past month we talked about Remembrance Day and to be
thankful for the people who fought for our freedom. The children also made a
poppy collage using paper and paint.
The children enjoyed exploring different art mediums such as
sponge and roller painting.
The children also learned some animal rhymes and songs and
went on a pretend bear hunt.
The children are hard at work preparing their Christmas
gifts and learning their songs for the upcoming Christmas concert.
We hope you have a merry and restful Christmas with friends
and family. We look forward to seeing you back in the New year.

We look forward to seeing all the friends and family who come
out to support everyone's hard work in making these pageants a success.
Have a wonderful Christmas break and we will see you all back January 8th!