Winter went out with a ROAR and Spring has come in with an UMBRELLA AND A PAIR OF BOOTS!!
Important reminders:
1. Call or email the preschool when your child will be absent with the reason for the absence. 604-980-1326 /
2. If your child has had a fever they cannot return to the preschool until they have been 24 hours fever-free and medicine-free AND all their energy has returned.
3. If your child has vomited OR had diarrhea, they cannot return until 24 hours after the last vomit or solid BM and their energy has returned. They should be medicine-free for 24 hours before returning.
4. If your child has vomiting and diarrhea together, they cannot return until 48 hours after the last solid BM and vomiting has stopped for at least 24 hours and all their energy has returned. They should be medicine-free for at least 24 hours before they can return.
When we all follow these health rules we help to ensure the spread of communicable illnesses to the children and the staff is kept to a minimum. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Important Dates
April 14 - Good Friday (Preschool Closed)
April 17 - Easter Monday (Preschool Closed)
April 20 - Easter Services & Tea - Class 302 & 402 -- 10:30 am
April 21 - Easter Services & Tea - Class 301 & 401 -- 10:30 am
- Easter Services & Tea - Class 304 & 403 -- 1:45 pm
April 24-28 - Jeans Week
May 12 - Staff Pro-D Day (Preschool Closed)
May 17/18 - Music Open House
May 22 - Victoria Day (Preschool Closed)
June 16 - 4's Graduation
- Last Day of Preschool
June 19/20 - Picnics (Mahon Park - 11:30 am - 1:30 pm)
Did you hear what happened in the classrooms????
Resource Office
I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break. I think
we can now expect some warmer weather. It is a time for lots of outdoor
activities. Arranging play dates in a park with a picnic is always
The 4s will be visiting their Kindergartens soon and the teachers
will post a list of where each child will be going to school. The 4s are
working on lots of kindergarten readiness skills.
Marion Porter, Developmental Resource Teacher
Music Program
The month of
March began with marching around class to Hungarian marching music. We then
explored how music can remind us of different emotions by listening to various
melodies and matching them to emoji faces. We also read a story called “Sing
and Dance in Your Polka Dot Pants!” and practiced some dance moves of our own.
We celebrated the beginning of Spring by listening to Vivaldi’s famous
"Four Seasons: Spring" and colouring whatever the music inspired.
Now, it’s full speed ahead getting ready for our Easter Service next month! We
can’t wait to show you what’s in store!
Discovery Twos
Hope you all had a wonderful Spring break.
What a fun, busy and exciting month of March we had talking about farm animals. Here are few of our art activities that the children really enjoyed doing: stamping and gluing cotton wool on sheep, pigs in the mud, paper plate ducks and chickens as well as tractor painting.

At Circle Time we sang many farm animal songs. The favorite definitely was "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" and the children got so excited naming animals and making the sounds. Our twos really enjoyed Cows in the Kitchen and funny/ farm Old MacDonald Had a Truck book. We also practiced some yoga poses such as Cow, Cat and a Happy Baby pose.
Here is one of our favorite songs:
Horsey, Horsey, don't you stop
Just let your feet go clipety clop
Your tail goes swoosh and your head goes flop
Giddy up, you're homeward bound
Giddy up, you're homeward bound.
As always, please come and talk to us if you have any questions or concerns.
Vibha, Danielle, Arsi, Stephanie and Susan.
What a fun, busy and exciting month of March we had talking about farm animals. Here are few of our art activities that the children really enjoyed doing: stamping and gluing cotton wool on sheep, pigs in the mud, paper plate ducks and chickens as well as tractor painting.
At Circle Time we sang many farm animal songs. The favorite definitely was "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" and the children got so excited naming animals and making the sounds. Our twos really enjoyed Cows in the Kitchen and funny/ farm Old MacDonald Had a Truck book. We also practiced some yoga poses such as Cow, Cat and a Happy Baby pose.
Horsey, Horsey, don't you stop
Just let your feet go clipety clop
Your tail goes swoosh and your head goes flop
Giddy up, you're homeward bound
Giddy up, you're homeward bound.
As always, please come and talk to us if you have any questions or concerns.
Vibha, Danielle, Arsi, Stephanie and Susan.
Happy spring! We are so glad winter is over and now we can enjoy some sunny
days outside.
For the month of March, we have been focusing on Spring and Easter.
The children are working hard to prepare for the Easter Services.
We have been doing lots of different art experiences such as eyedroppers
and fusion paper, painting with marbles and different types of sponges and
At Circle Time we have been doing some name games, action songs as
well as learning a few songs in French and learning the colours in French.
We look forward to seeing you soon at the Easter Services.
Estelle, Gabi and Karen
In the past month we celebrated and explored the many
wonders of the awakening nature from a very, very long sleep. (Hopefully we are past the crazy winter
weather and can actually see some signs of spring soon!)
In our weekly Music Classes and at circle times we have been
practicing our songs and rhymes for the Easter Services. We are looking forward
to sharing the joy with you as you watch them sing in the church!
Karen and Gabi
We have also been practicing our
songs for our Easter Service that will be held in April. Keep your eye out for
more details about the service.
Next month our theme will be
Stephanie and Gabi
Happy Spring!
As mentioned earlier, our
classroom took about a month to get to know Eric Carle and his imaginative
stories. We brought many of the stories to the art table to recreate. The
children enjoyed getting to know this author on a deeper level.
As we look
towards April we plan to celebrate Easter with classroom activities and our
annual Easter Services. Hope to see you all there!
Susan and Stephanie
We hope everyone had a great spring break!
This time of year, it is great to see how the children have bonded with their friends! They all come to preschool eager to play and learn new things.
Our next topic took us to the alphabet and kindergarten readiness. This is an ongoing topic that we will be continuing for a few weeks. We are looking at the letters of the alphabet and what sounds they make. We are also tying the letters with familiar items or pictures so that the children can remember them. For example, A is for apple. We have also started our alphabet box which will be a fun activity for the children to do at home and then share it at school.
In the coming weeks, the children will also be working on their journals. This is a great way to practice printing their names and also to use their imagination to draw and tell a story. It’s interesting to see what they draw each week!
We are looking forward to the next few weeks when we will be doing a little bit on Easter. We have started practicing our Easter Service songs and it will be great fun! We will continue with our alphabet and practicing writing the letters and also our names. We do encourage the children to keep practicing putting on and zipping up their own jackets, opening/closing their containers, pouring their own water into their cups, and bucket filling!! These are important learning experiences that will
give them their independence and confidence as they journey into kindergarten.
If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask your teachers.
Danielle, Arsi & Sousan
everyone. We hope everyone had an
enjoyable and restful spring break. Our long
winter is over and now we can enjoy some nice time outside.
art, we have been exploring with lots of different mediums; pastels,
watercolours, using different sponges and brushes. We made ladybugs,
flowers and butterflies for art. The
children really enjoyed the story of the Grouchy Ladybug that went along with
their artwork.
In the Home Corner, the children played in the grocery store, flower shop and as an
area with Easter baskets and decorations. The children enjoy the changes to the
home corner and it is fun to watch their imaginative play flourish.
your children to will soon be entering kindergarten, they have started
journaling. Each child has their own journal, which they use every week and
will get to take home at the year’s end. The children can draw what they like
(sometimes the teacher will give requests) and they then tell us about their
picture, which we write down in their own words. This encourages their fine
motor and language skills.
to more sunny days. We hope to see everyone at the upcoming Easter Service.
Stephanie, Gabi, Karen and Sousan