We are MARCH-ing into the next month so GET READY FOR SOME FUN!!
We are moving through this school year like nobody's business! We have plenty of things planned in the weeks to come so make sure you are checking your child's bulletin boards and the main bulletin board for daily messages!
FRI. MAR. 16 - 4's Skating Party. 1:30-2:30 pm @ Harry Gerome.
MAR. 19-23 - Spring Break - PRESCHOOL CLOSED
MON. MAR. 26 - Scholastic Book Orders Due
MON. APR. 2 - Easter Monday - PRESCHOOL CLOSED
TUE. APR. 10 - Easter Services - 302/402
WED. APR. 11 - Easter Services - 301/401/403
ALL DAY PRESCHOOL is happening for next year!! Let us know if you would like to find out more! Tuesday/Thursday all day program gets PEL program for FREE!!
EXTENDED HOURS! Add the PEL program to the end of your morning program or to the beginning of your afternoon program to get an extra 45 minutes added to your child's preschool program!
DISCOVERY TWOS - Arsi, Brita, Marion, Vibha
February was a snowy but fun month. The children in the two's program enjoy partaking in the theme of friendship and love.
Our highlight of the month was our adorable Valentine's Day party. The children always enjoy eating party food and celebrating in our classroom. The classroom was decorated with hearts and the colours pink and red.
To encourage friendship and love, the children created a friendship hand collage which is displayed in our classroom. This activity promoted teamwork, social interactions and creativity.
Other art activities we engaged in was our "Love You to Pieces" project and tissue paper art.
Toward the end of February we celebrated Chinese New Year. We took this day to show the children traditional Chinese pictures, sang songs and painted with chop sticks.
The twos teachers want to thank the parents that contributed to our Valentine's Day party. It is always very much appreciated!
CLASS 301-Estelle and Susan
For the month of February our themes were Valentine’s Day,
Chinese New Year, Friendship and Feelings.
The children enjoyed decorating their Valentine’s bags,
drawing and collaging on paper dolls and decorating heart shapes. We also talked
about whom we love such as family and friends.
For Chinese New Year we talked about what we do to prepare
for Chinese New Year such as cleaning and decorating and that this year is The Year of the Dog. The children made paper bag dragons, then had a parade in the class
and were pleased to receive their red envelopes.
Next we talked about feelings like happiness and sadness and how to express them. We moved on to reminders about using our words to ask for a
turn or when we don’t like something. Sometimes the children talk about best
friends and then other children feel excluded. We talked about how we are all
friends at preschool even though we sometimes like to play with different
people and that all children are welcome in all areas (block corner, home
corner etc.) unless there is a space issue and then we take turns.
For the Card Project the children painted with small
paintbrushes and tissue paper. We hope you will be pleased with the cards when
they come out. The children took extra time for their paintings and took
inspiration from an art book of Renoir.
Next up...we are starting to practice for the Easter Services!
And don't forget to say hi to our practicum student Patty from Capilano University
CLASS 302 - Karen, Carol and Brita
Hello Parent’s of 302! So glad you checked out our Blog!
Every time I write I can’t believe that another month has gone by! Goes well with the saying, “Time flies when you’re having fun”!
February was a busy month with lots of different activities. We focused on Friends and Feelings which took us to group art projects, stories and felt rhymes about what it means to be a friend. Music to my ears when we hear “Let’s take turns”, “Can I have a turn after you?”, or “We can do it together”.
We have noticed that there is a lot more parallel and group play since we came back in January. Lots of talking and awareness happening in the classroom.
We celebrated Valentine’s Day with a party and by making Valentine’s bags. Thank you to the parents who contributed snacks.
For our Card Project we tried two different ideas. The first was drawing with pastels and then painting over it with watercolour. The second was painting with yarn using bright colours. When we were finished we asked the children to decide which one was their favorite. The sample cards should be ready the week of April 9th and the order deadline April 18th. Orders should be ready by May 4th.
We have been playing in the gym due to the snow and cold temperatures, but it has been a great time to focus on gross motor skills. Our gym provides a big space with a climber, bikes, balls, balancing apparatus and many other toys to promote all kinds of movement.
We also introduced the Turtle game for earthquake awareness. We will continue this game until the end of the year.
Now on to Spring and Easter.....!
CLASS 401 - Karen and Rosie
What a wonderful month February has been! 401 has been
very busy celebrating Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year, completing their Card
Project art work, working on their Journals and learning more about the world of
As a class, we also celebrated and discussed Chinese New
Year, made red and gold lanterns, and learned about special traditions and
rituals that happen during the festivities.
Exciting news! We have started something new in 401
called “Friday Shake Up!”, where in the last few minutes of free play, the
children will be given a shape and a play station to go to with a group of
their friends. This exercise is to promote play with all children and open up a
conversation about inclusion. It will also be a nice way to introducing some
children who will be going to kindergarten together in the fall.
During snack time we are encouraging independence by
letting the children pour their own cups of water. So please remember to send a
cup with your child each day.
We also practiced our "Turtle Game" this month,
as an Earthquake Drill. The children all practiced quickly becoming a Turtle,
crouched down with their hands over their heads as a safety precaution in case
of an Earthquake.
We look forward to another great month, filled with
learning, laughter, and kindness with 401.
CLASS 402 - Arsi, Permjit and Rosie
Love is in the air and so was a lot of snow!! February
was a fun month filled with discussions and activities about friendship,
caring, sharing, Chinese New Year, and kindergarten!
We started off by reading a few great books such as “One Love”, “Plant a Kiss”, “Love, Splat”, and “The Night
Before Valentine’s Day” just to name a few.
Right after
Valentine’s Day, we jumped into Chinese New Year. We learned that it is the Year of the Dog and we learned some traditions such as cleaning the house, buying
new clothes, and cooking a great meal which is part of getting ready! The boys also
practiced saying “Gung Hay Fat Choi” which means happy new year in Chinese! For art, we
practiced cutting on straight lines to make our lanterns. We also tried writing
the Chinese symbol for friendship by using black paint and a fine tip brush. It
was neat to see how different the symbols were from our alphabet.
We have now started talking about Kindergarten! We looked
at some books and realized there are many similarities and differences between
preschool and kindergarten. For example, we learned that in kindergarten the bell
rings at the beginning and end of the day whereas in preschool, we sing a
morning and a goodbye song! The boys were excited to see that kindergarten
still had many fun activities just like preschool.
In the coming weeks, we will continue learning our alphabet and
also recognizing and practicing the letters of their names. We encourage parents
to practice their child’s name at home as well. At this time of the year, the
boys should also be more independent with putting on their own clothes, shoes,
jackets (zipping up/down), and opening/closing containers for snack or lunch. These
self help skills are what they will need entering kindergarten and practicing
now will make it easier.
CLASS 304/403 - Estelle, Karen, Rosie and Susan
The children are continuing with their Journals and are
getting to be quite creative in their drawings and descriptions. We are also continuing
with our Kindergarten Readiness such as recognizing different shapes, cutting
and gross motor skills such as hopping, skipping and using a ball. At circle
time we are working on sitting still, waiting for our turn to talk by putting
up our hands and listening to others or the teacher when it is their turn to
Welcome to our new student Louie!
We also worked hard on our Card Project paintings so be sure to check those
cards out when they arrive!
The children are enjoying taking home Echo the Orca and having a turn
with Show and Share. We are about halfway through the list of children to have
a turn with each activity.
We are learning our songs and dances for the Easter Services!
Hopefully Spring weather is just around the corner so we can
play outside more.
MUSIC - Rachel
Throughout February
we learned some new music terms: crescendo and decrescendo! We sang songs and
played instruments to learn that crescendo means to get slowly louder, and decrescendo means to get
slowly quieter.
Some other February activities included reading a book about the Alphabet and using instruments to
help tell our story and on Valentine’s Day we sang songs about hearts and
love, and played a special freeze dance game.
And now we are beginning to practice for the Easter Services in April! Stay tuned...!
I have enjoyed working in the Discover 2s program. Danielle
should be back on her feet after Spring Break.
Each child’s individual
personality is emerging and they are working on their social skills.
They are moving out of Solitary and Parallel play and into
Associative play. During Solitary play children will often play alone and
may be uninterested or unaware of what others around them are doing.
Parallel play occurs when children play side-by-side from one another, but
there is a lack of group involvement among them. This stage is usually
seen in toddlers between the ages of 2 ½ and 3 ½ .
The next stage is
Associative play and typically begins around 3 or 4. At this stage,
children begin to play together, but not focused towards a common goal.
It is slightly different than Parallel play as children may continue to play
separately from one another, but they start to become more involved in what
others around them are doing. This is an important stage of play because it
develops necessary skills such as cooperation, problem solving and language

It is a big change to be leaving the preschool years behind,
but the teachers are busy preparing the 4s for next year. The children
have started their journals and are practicing printing their names. They
are counting, sorting and sequencing throughout their day. Small groups
of children will work together on a large floor puzzle or will build a sky
scraper with blocks. They are also given more responsibilities for dressing
themselves and cleaning up after snack and play time.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's development, please do not hesitate to come in to speak to me.
If you are reading this sentence, please make a comment below and your child will win a prize! Don't forget to tell us what class your child is in!