Tuesday, 4 December 2018

December 2018

Wow!! December already?? How did that happen so fast??

We are almost done 2018 and 2019 is not far off! But first...we have a JAM PACKED few weeks with special art projects, our Christmas Services, a bit of collecting for those less fortunate and maybe even some caroling in the Village!!


Dec. 12 - Christmas Service - 6 pm - 301, 401, 403
Dec. 13 - Christmas Service - 6 pm - 302/404, 402, 304
Dec. 19 - Children's Christmas Party - 201
Dec. 20 - Children's Christmas Party - 202, 302/404, 304
Dec. 21 - Children's Christmas Party - 301, 401, 402, 403
Jan.       - Registration 2019/20 (Enrolled Families)
Feb.   1 - Registration 2019/20 (Community Families)

CAUTION - We are in the season of INFLUENZA and although it may be a minor inconvenience to some, it can mean a HOSPITAL STAY or worse for others.

Please keep your sick children at home. If your child seems unusually cranky or tired in the morning, they may be coming down with something!! And this is the time they are most communicable! Please err on the side of caution and let's keep the GI illnesses down to a minimum! (More than 2 cases of vomiting and diarrhea in the same class and we have to contact the Health Inspector!) Check the bulletins boards for our Health Policy.

THE TEACHERS HAVE SOMETHING THEY WANT TO SHOW YOU....LOOK BELOW FOR YOUR CHILD'S CLASS. Also, check out what Tiffany (Music) and Marion have to say...

Discovery Twos - Brita, Danielle, Vibha

November has been a very busy and exciting month in the 2’s! We spent two weeks exploring the world of transportation and two weeks learning about bears and hibernation!

For the two weeks of transportation, the children learned about how we move through the world by buses, cars, planes, sailboats, trains, and hot air balloons! Each centre in the room was setup to experiment with the different modes of transportation. During art, we created tractor prints with wheels, sponge painted buses, roller painted planes, and using collage to decorate hot air balloons and paper sailboats. At circle time, the children learned about the different modes of transportation through songs, pictures, poems, and books. They loved the books and songs “The Wheels on the Bus” and “Down by the Station”.

For the last two weeks of November, the children explored the world of bears and hibernation. At circle time, we discussed what bears do before they hibernate, IE. eat a lot, and what hibernation means. We used pictures, songs, felt board stories, rhymes, and memory games to explore hibernation and bears. The children loved the story “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?”.

 During art, we painted grizzly and black bears, and roller painted a cave. In the housekeeping corner, we created a bear cave by setting up a tent and placing bear stuffed animals and rugs inside. The children loved it! The entire room was setup to reflect bears and hibernation. It was so much fun!

We wish you all a magical holiday and a Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Please note that it is a great time for toilet training the week after Christmas. The holiday rush and excitement is over so the children can focus on the task.

301 - Carol, Susan

Hello Everyone,
November in the Treehouse Room started with a sigh of relief from Carol when Susan DID return from her honeymoon in Hawaii! And of course she hit the ground running. In the few days after Halloween, we discussed fire safety with the children and did paintings of fireworks.

We then had a display for Remembrance Day, including talk about what it means to Canadians and a poppy craft to take home.

We have enjoyed two weeks covering a Transportation theme, including, among other things, every vehicle we could think of: sailboats, trains and tracks, rocket ships, school buses, traffic lights and signals. A large number of these resulted in crafts decorating the boards in our hallway.

Music with Tiffany continues on Wednesdays and is always popular.

The last week of November saw us planning and starting some Christmas preparations and rehearsals.....most of which are Top Secret, until closer to the 25th.
We have managed to continue playing outside for many more days than we usually expect at this time of year, but whether outside or in the gym, we all get time to run, jump, balance, ride, and slide with our friends everyday.

Things are getting busier and very exciting for all of us, so our times at circle, singing, looking at books and listening to stories is a welcome quieter time in our day at preschool.

Things may seem  busy at "home time", but we are always happy to answer your questions or to catch up with you then or at the start of the day.

We look forward to seeing you all (and extended family and friends) at the Christmas Service in December.

302/404 - Karen, Susan, Carol

For the month of November we talked about transportation. So many ways to go from here to there! For art we made hot air balloons, trains, paper airplanes, school buses, paint stamping with foam and cookie cutter shapes. Last but not least painting with trucks through brown paint and coffee grounds to give the effect of dirt. That one was a little messy but it sure did smell nice.

Transportation comes in many forms so we had a lot to talk about! We brought out all our books about cars, trucks, bikes, planes, trains, hot air balloons etc. We played felt board games about where you would find each form of transportation: in the air, ocean or ground. 

Around the room we put out different toys for children to create from. By manipulating Lego to connecting straws, so many creative things were built.
I hope everyone had a chance to see the airport/plane that we made in the home corner. The children enjoyed playing at the computers with screens, using our rotary phone, looking for places to go on the maps, handing out tickets and preparing the food to serve the passengers.

We also talked about Remembrance Day and made paper poppies.

Thank you for coming out to support our annual pizza night!

December is here we are already getting a head start on a Christmas surprise for you! We have a very busy month and only a few more classes to get in all done in. We are having our Christmas party on Thursday December 20th and we will have a sign up sheet for parents to contribute to, thank you.

Please let us know if your child will be absent so we are able to plan accordingly. Our wonderful music teacher Tiffany is also preparing songs for our Christmas service, you may hear your children continuing these at home.

As the weather gets colder we will have more gym days but when the sun is out we still like to try and get outside. Please always make sure your child has the appropriate clothing for the cold temperatures.

Let December begin.

401 - Arsi, Karen, Vibha, Lisa

November was a fun filled month with lots to learn!  We started the month with discussions about Remembrance Day.  We talked about why we wear poppies and to remember all the people who help keep us safe.

Our next exciting topic was “Have you filled a bucket today?  We talked about how everyone has an invisible bucket that they carry and throughout the day, they must try doing good things to fill their buckets.  For example helping clean up, sharing a toy and helping a friend.  We will be continuing bucket filling throughout the school year and we strongly encourage parents to do so at home as well.

Our next adventure led us to our adopted orca whale named “Echo”.  Each child will get to take Echo home for the weekend and bring him back on Monday and tell us all about Echo’s adventures with them.  All our friends at school look forward to hearing about his weekend.

From there to here,
And here to there
Funny things are everywhere

Yes, our next exciting topic was Dr. Seuss.  Our children jumped right in to many stories of Dr. Seuss and enjoyed playing with rhyming words.
Here are few of our favourite Dr. Seuss books:
    -Green Eggs and Ham
    -Ten Apples up on the top
    -Cat in the Hat
    -Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb
    -One fish, Two fish

This is what we learned from Dr. Seuss.

The more that you READ the more things you will KNOW.
The more that you LEARN the more places you’ll GO.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask.

402 - Arsi, Danielle

November has sure been a busy month! 

We started the month with the grooviest cat around named Pete! The children loved the stories and the songs that accompanied them! We read “I Love my White Shoes,” “My Groovy Button,” “The New Guy” & “Rockin’ My School Shoes.”  

For art, the children used various shapes like rectangles, triangles, semi-circles to make Pete and added colorful shoes to his feet. They also used their fine motor skills to cut out Pete’s shirt and glue on his groovy buttons!

Our look into Diwali, which is the Festival of Lights, in India was amazing! We learned that it’s a big celebration that brings families together all over the world! The children practiced saying “Namaste” which means hello and “Shanti” which means peace. 

We looked at books that showed us the beautiful and colorful art form of rangoli in which patterns are created on the floor using materials such as colored rice, dry flour, colored sand or rose petals. The children also had a  chance to make their own diyas for art which are oil lamps that are used to decorate houses during the festival. We even played freeze dance while we listened to Diwali songs! 

 Our next topic was one that will continue throughout the school year! We read the book “Have You Filled A Bucket Today?” We talked about how bucket filling means saying and doing nice things for friends and family such as sharing or helping at home. We also learned that everyone has an invisible bucket that they carry around and throughout the day depending on what they say and do, they fill or dip into their bucket! 

Furthermore, we learned that bucket dipping hurts our friends and families. Bucket dippers are people who don’t share or say things that are hurtful. We decided as a class we are going to do our best to be bucket fillers and fill our classroom jar! (Once it’s full of our bucking filling hearts, the class will get a surprise….Ssshhh!) 

For Remembrance Day, we read a book called “A Poppy to Remember” and the rhyme “Five Brave Soldiers.” We discussed how long time ago men and women had to go far from home to help bring peace and safety to Canada. 

Moreover, we talked about how we remember the brave men and women who weren’t able to come back home from war by wearing red poppies. For art, the children traced, cut out, and decorated a poppy. 

All the children were super excited when we introduced Echo. Echo is our real adopted whale that is part of pod A55. Since he’s happier swimming in the ocean, the children take turns taking Echo, our class stuffy, home for a weekend! It’s a great way for them to share their adventures with Echo with their friends at circle time. We are excited to see all your pictures, drawings, or mini stories in the coming weeks! 

This led to our week of sea life where we read the story ``Orca`s song,’ ‘There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Trout,’ and ‘Fidgety Fish.’.

For art, the children used their hand-eye coordination to cut out big and small circles to glue onto  Echo’s whale shape and we also marble painted a trout. And we cut out a large circle and used various shapes to make a walrus. It was a fun week exploring sea life!

Our last two weeks of November, took us back to the classic fairy tales such as ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears,’ ‘Little Red Riding Hood,’ ‘Sleeping Beauty,’ and ‘The Three Little Pigs.’ 

 We first started with Goldilocks and learned the story very well. We acted out the story using masks and the children knew the lines of the characters! They enjoyed the repetition of the story and even related to Goldilocks bucket dipping by eating the porridge, breaking the chair, and sleeping in Baby Bear's bed without asking! 

We also looked at other variations to this story called ‘Tackylocks and the Three Bears,’ ‘Goldi Rocks & the Three Bears,’ and even ‘Goldilocks and the One Bear.’ We were able to compare and contrast between the stories! 

For art, we cut and glued a bowl shape and used real oatmeal to fill the bowl. Furthermore, we sequenced the order of small, medium, and large beds, chairs, and bears. 

Since we were on this very fun topic, we adventured to the library where the librarian read a very funny version of Rapunzel called, ‘Falling for Rapunzel.’ We also listened to the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and listened to the felt story of the ‘The Gruffalo.’ It was very nice of the North Vancouver Public Library to also give each child a book to take home! 

In the upcoming weeks, we will be focusing on the story of the Nativity and many fun filled Christmas stories, songs, and art! We will also be practicing our songs for our Christmas concert!

403/304 - Karen, Susan, Brita, Carol

Our afternoons have been full of talk about transportation. What are all the ways we can get from here to there? Take a trip on a plane, train, car or boat. We must not forget about our feet as they are a means of of transportation too! 

For art we made traffic lights and sang a catchy tune about the colours. We made hot air balloons by putting water colour on a large coffee filter and attached a basket. When they were done we displayed them on a board in the hall. 

We also made trains, school buses, stamped using paint with foam and cookie cutter shapes. Maybe you noticed an art that smelt like coffee? We gave the children brown paint with ground coffee and put it on paper to roll over with trucks, was it ever messy but the children enjoyed it. 

On our book shelf we had every type of transportation imaginable, these were very popular with the children and we always had requests to read them.  

We hope you noticed the home corner. It was turned into an airport/airplane. The children enjoyed playing on the keyboards, using our rotary phone, looking for places on the map to go, giving and receiving tickets. There was even food served on the plane and everyone wanted to be the captain.

We have a busy December ahead of us with lots planned.
The children have started their Christmas gifts to you.

Christmas services are coming up and our music teacher Tiffany has been getting us ready.

On Friday the 14th we will be going to the Capilano library for a Christmas story time.

We will be going caroling in the Village and will have our Christmas party on the 20th and 21st. There will be a food sign up sheet on the bulletin boards.

As we get into the colder weather there will be more gym days but if the sun is out we will be going outside. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. 

We wish you and your family a happy a safe Christmas break.

Music Program - Tiffany

Happy Holidays, families! 

As our Fall term comes to a close, we have had fun celebrating our hard work by playing musical chairs. 

We have spent most of our month rehearsing and we are excited to show you what we have prepared for the upcoming Christmas Services. We are signing loud and proud, ringing our bells and we might even do a little laughing! Laugh along with us and sing as we celebrate the birth. Together, with joy and music!! 
The New Year brings opportunities to explore even more instruments and to become better acquainted with ‘The Rhythm family’. 

We will learn how to read and count basic rhythms in duple time. Prepare for lots of clapping, tapping and stomping as we enter the new year with style and a sweet beat!

The Resource Office - Marion

Hello everyone.   


During the preschool years is a great time to teach social graces because your child is naturally eager to please you .

The way we behave towards people, especially ways that are socially correct and show respect for their comfort and their feelings is very important to share with our children.  Parents can model and point out other people exhibiting the behaviour you would like to see in your children. 

Children like to imitate Mom & Dad and will learn to use “please” and “thank you” in everyday conversations even faster when you praise them for using their manners.   

Children at this young age are still possessive, so encouraging them to share may be difficult.  It can take time for him/her to understand that he/she may feel uncomfortable while someone else plays with his/her toy.  Talk about sharing and turn taking.  Be enthusiastic when your child offers a toy to someone or gives them a turn on his/her scooter.  Your child may care more about getting praise from you than about the toy.

How often does this happen, I remember it like it was yesterday.  The boys are playing, laughing have a great time.  The phone rings, perfect time for a little chat, answer the phone and within less than a minute it happens.  There is screaming, then crying and then a little person trying to pull on your leg and get your attention.  At first you quietly say, “Just a minute I’m on the phone”.  Not good enough!  After several attempts to refocus on the phone call you give up and say, “I will have to call you back”.  Hang up the phone go over to where the boys are and everything is quiet and they are playing so nicely.  

Children need to learn to wait for their turn and you could say, “Mommy is on the phone.  Please play with your blocks while I finish talking and I’ll be right there.”  Then follow through when you are done with the call by thanking your child for being patient and giving him/her your undivided attention.

At school during snack time is a good time to practice table manners.  Praise you child for finishing what is in his/her mouth before talking and closing their mouth while chewing.  Little children tend to eat fast and will sometimes over stuff so a reminder to take small bites will help.  Teaching children how to use appropriate utensils when eating, e.g. using a spoon for Yogurt/apple sauce.  Asking for a Kleenex and discarding it in the garbage. Saying “Please” & “Thank You”, never gets old.  

Thanks for reading the Blog. 

TEACHER PAINT NIGHT!! Hey! The teachers all got together and had a paint night! We have hung all the paintings on a bulletin board and we want you to choose the ones you like best!!

We had such a fun night that we are thinking of doing it again!! If you are heading down to the Preschool Office you will see the bulletin board. Ask your children to choose their favourite painting!


If you have read this far you probably have a halo around your head as you must be an Angel! It takes a lot of time and energy to create these Blogs and we really appreciate you taking the time to find out what is going on around the Preschool. Please bring your child to the office to get some stickers because you are an amazing parent!!