Wednesday, 6 February 2019

February 2019

This month is FEBRUARY and the season is SPRINGTER!! 

That is Spring with just a bit of Winter sprinkled in!! 

She wore her yellow sun-bonnet, 
She wore her greenest gown; 
She turned to the south wind 
And curtsied up and down. 
She turned to the sunlight 
And shook her yellow head, 
And whispered to her neighbour: 
"Winter is dead." 

Registration for September is now complete. Thank you for handing in your registrations and deposits. You will receive confirmation on which class your child will be enrolled into before March 1st. 

Class 401 had 25 people who all wanted the 20 spots available so we will hold a lottery draw at the February 5th Board Meeting. Those not chosen will go on a waitlist for Class 401 and will be enrolled into their 2nd choice.

Important Upcoming Dates & Events

FEB 13/14 - Children's Valentine's Day Parties
MAR 5 - Church Pancake Supper
MAR 8 - 4's Skating Party (NOTE DAY CHANGED!!!)
MAR 18-22 - Spring Break PRESCHOOL CLOSED
APR 10/11 - Easter Services & Easter Tea



We can’t believe it is February already!

In January we were learning about winter and we discovered that penguins and polar bears live where it is very cold.  We also learned about what clothes we would need to dress ourselves in for the cold weather.  Some winter art activities that the children enjoyed doing were decorating mittens, hats, polar bear printing, and making penguins.  We made snowmen out of diffusing paper and watched how the paper absorbs the water colours.

At circle time we talked about winter animals.  Our two’s really enjoyed Five Little Snowmen felt rhyme and colour recognition mitten game.  Here is a list of the two’s favourite books:   "Snow Friends", "Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear?", and "Snowflake Baby".

Please let us know if you are actively toilet training at home as we would love to help you at school.

For the rest of the month of February, we will be talking about Love, Friendship and Valentine’s Day.

As always, please come and speak to us if you have any concerns.


Hello Everyone!

What an amazing January we've had. The weather couldn't have been better, as we were able to go outside to play almost every day. It's so good for the children (and yes, the teachers, too) to get out each day for some fresh air and some different gross motor play.

All the children settled in well after the two week holiday, and we started our Winter theme. We worked on crafts ranging from Snowmen and Snowflakes, to Winter Sports and beautifully decorated mittens hanging on the line to dry. I think the highlight activity for this theme was "Playing in the Snow" (shaving cream).
From all things snowy, it was a smooth transition into our project on Hibernation. We made dens and caves for the Canadian hibernating animals that we discussed (bears, skunks, groundhogs, bats, snakes, frogs and many more!). Carol and Susan noticed that the children were getting out blocks each day and building roads to go with the cars so the following week we set out more building toys, including a small "log" set and magnetic builders.

On the 25th of January we marked Robbie Burns' Day by making and colouring Scottie dogs and some tartan collages.

And finally, in our last week of January, real bears who would hibernate became teddy bears. We started with cute little brown bears, and then teddy bear stamping, games, and songs, and finally plans for a big Teddy Bear surprise.....which you'll hear about in next month's blog.

Thank you for your continued support of all our fun and games and education!


Our focus this month was Winter (even though it does not feel like it).

We talked about what activities we can do in winter and what type of clothing we wear.
A den was made under the stairs which we filled with hibernating animals, pillows and faux fur. It was so cozy and inviting.

For one of our art projects the children decorated snowflakes with watercolor and Epsom salts which gave it a firm finish and sparkly appearance. We continued with the snowflakes on the Make It table and at the easel.

At Circle we sang songs about snowflakes, many felt board rhymes, read "50 Below Zero", "Kitten and his Mitten", "What Snowmen do at Night" and many stories about winter.

The children's other art projects were melted snowmen, decorating paper mittens (they were hung up on string in class and on a board to give the effect of drying them out), igloos made with cotton balls, bears made from paper plates and stamping with bear stamps.

Please check out the back wall with a beautiful scene of the Northern lights and the igloo’s below.   

We ended January with a teddy bear picnic in which the children (teachers too) wore their pajamas and brought in their favorite stuffed animal. For art we made a bear trail mix to enjoy while we ate our snack on a large blanket on the floor.

As we enter into February we will be celebrating Chinese New Year and having our Valentine’s party on the 14th. Please sign up on the bulletin board outside of the classroom if you would like to bring something to share.

Also we will be starting on our Card Project. Please feel free to ask us any questions you may have about this. It is great way to show off your child’s art on a card.

Last but not least we will be starting Kindergarten Readiness with our 4’s.  

Thanks for reading!


In a blink of an eye, Christmas and New Years flew by just like that! We hope everyone had a great break and enjoyed some time with family and friends! We would like to thank you all for the thoughtful cards and gifts.

In the month of January, we began by talking about winter animals. Since it’s cold outside, we looked at animals that live in the cold. We learned about penguins and read the book “Penguins in the Snow,” and made cute penguins with big googly eyes. 

The children also had fun making snowy owls using paper plates and white feathers after we listened to the story called “Snowy Owl.” There were feathers flying everywhere! 

Next, we moved on and learned about what we wear during the winter. We  listened to the CD story by Jan Brett called “The Mitten” and also decorated our own mittens as well. 

The children enjoyed seeing all the animals trying to fit into the tiny mitten. We also read another story by the same author called “The Hat.” This led the children into cutting out their own paper toques and stamping them with various designs. This was a great way for the children to practice cutting and using hand eye coordination.

Our last two weeks of the month, we laughed a lot, listening to the series by Lucille Colandro called “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed….” We learned the old lady swallowed many funny things such as a frog, a shell, a cow, a rose, a book, and even a mermaid who swallowed a shark! Every book made the children smile and LOL! This led to us into: making green frogs, painting real shells, using celery stalks to make rose prints, and decorating a mermaids tail and a shark! We learned how to sequence the items that she ate in some of her stories and played memory matching games too. The children even had a chance to “feed” the Old Lady with a cardboard cutout of her. What a fun series to read!

-please remember to send a labelled cup for your child for snack/lunch
-make sure your child goes to the bathroom in the morning before entering the classroom
-check our side board for sign up sheets and new information
-please remember to bring Echo back on time for the next child’s turn

In the next month, we will be focusing on friendships, caring, and being a friend. We will also do some fun activities for Valentine’s Day and learn about Chinese New Year.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to a teacher!


Wow! Christmas break sure went by fast! We hope you all had a great time celebrating with your loved ones! We’d like to thank you all for your wonderful gifts and very thoughtful cards!

January brought us a little bit of cold winter weather, so we decided to dive into some stories from one our favorite author, Robert Munsch! In the first week, we read “Deep Snow,” “Zero Below,” and “Thomas’ Snowsuit.” These stories brought some giggles to the children. 

We loved listening to Robert Munsch tell the story himself through his CD stories. For art, we made polar bears using a fork to give it a special furry effect and we also used shaving cream and watercolors to make marble prints on our own boot shape. It was really fun seeing the children’s faces as they saw the colors just appear on their boot! In our second week, the children listened to the stories “Makeup Mess,” “Stephanie’s Ponytail,” and “Smelly Socks.” More laughter was heard in the room as the children saw the funny images in these books! We used real makeup to decorate a face just like in the story, we used straws to blow hair on a head shape, and we used a salad spinner to make our socks “smelly” with colors such as green and black! It was so fun seeing the children on crazy hair day. What a way for parents and children to get creative.

The last two weeks of January, we switched gears a little and learned about castles, knights, princesses, kings, and queens! A great start was looking at Robert Munsch’s classic, “The Paper Bag Princess.” For art, the children practiced their hand eye coordination by cutting a lined brown paper bag to make the princess’ dress. They then constructed their own paper bag princess using various body part shapes from paper. She really looked great! 

Our next focus was on castles. The children learned about the different parts of the castles such as the turrets, the drawbridge, and the moat. We also talked about how long ago there was no electricity and running hot water. 

Furthermore, we talked about how castle walls were built tall and strong to protect the people living inside. The children were definitely surprised to hear this. For art, we cut various shapes such as rectangles, triangles, and squares to make our castle complete. Our next book was called “The Little Knight who battled the Dragon.” What a brave knight! It was also a treat to watch the DVD, “Mike the Knight;Knight in Training,” and we glued our own knight with it’s armour and drew his head and hands. Our last week of the month, we looked at the following stories: “Part-time Princess,” “Princesses Wear Pants?”  “King Hugo’s Huge Ego,” and “Queen’s feet.” For art, the children used their fine motor skills to cut a triangle shape dress and draw a princess, they also cut out a crown shape and decorated their crown, and we made yummy queen of heart tarts! What a great way to finish the month!


A big thank you for reading our Blog!

For the month of January we talked about Winter, even though it did not feel like it. We put faux snow in the water table, in the art, playdough and hanging from the ceiling but still no real snow. We put coloured icebergs in the water table and even painted with coloured ice. The children decorated snowflakes for art using watercolour and Epsom salts to make them sparkle. Snowflakes were also on the easel to paint and on the Make It table to decorate. Children were even caught in a snowstorm for art.
We decorated mittens and hung them up to give the appearance of drying them out. Paper snow globes were made filled with snowmen and snowflakes, we made melted snowmen and igloos.

At circle we talked about what activities we can do in winter, what clothing we can wear and all the things we would not do or wear in winter. Read 50 Below zero, What snowmen do at night, listened to CD stories about 12 days of Winter and Bear Trouble and many felt rhyme songs.

Under the treehouse a den was made with faux fur and animals that hibernate, it was very cozy. We ended the month with a Teddy Bear picnic which the children (teachers too) wore their pajamas and brought in their favorite stuffed animal. For art we made a bear trail mix and had it with our picnic on a blanket along with our snack.

Our Friday afternoon program consisted of making an edible “snowball”, mini apple pies, watching a DVD called Dora Saves the Snow Princess while eating popcorn and a Teddy bears picnic.

With February upon us we will be celebrating Chinese New Year, having our Valentine’s party (sign up sheet for food our the bulletin board), starting our Card Project and Kindergarten readiness.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


February is friendship month and we are doing activities that show how music can bring us together. We have officially learned all of the instruments in the keyboard family and, in February, we will be moving on the the string family.

When we all match the same beat, if feels good. A steady beat is calming and brings us down to Earth. The Rhythm Family is going to be with us all month, as we continue to focus on the beat. Our favourite activity is marching to the beat of our own drums!

Now that we know how to play forte and piano, we are challenging our musical skills further by adding ‘tempo’ to the mix. Tempo means how fast or slow the music goes. Sometimes we sing forte/fast, sometimes we sing piano/slow. We can choose. We have the power!

As we move towards Spring, we will begin to prepare for the Easter Service in April. We love to sing about flowers and the sunshine. We will use music to learn about growth and the wonderful opportunities that come with getting bigger.


I am very happy to see the classrooms engaging in various themes.  The Boards, both in the classrooms and down the hallway reflect the learning that is going on in our classrooms.  

Around this time of year the question always comes up “Is my child ready for the next step?”  That might be more sessions, longer hours or going off to Kindergarten.  Young children change so fast – if they can’t do something this week, they may be able to do it a few weeks later.  When preparing children for Kindergarten the teachers are looking for certain skills which will help with the next step.  We will be sending out a letter with a check list for Kindergarten readiness, please look through it and if you have any questions ask the teachers.

Our program is always evolving and now we have the all day option along with extended hours.   I want to talk about multi-age classrooms and how they can benefit a child’s growth and development.  Children learn at their own pace.  The children are not held to a strict curriculum that may be too challenging or not challenging enough.  Younger children look up to the older ones and will often model turn taking, sharing and problem solving techniques.  The older children are taking on a leadership role.  Every child within a multi-age classroom is viewed as a exclusive individual.  Expectations for the children will not be closed to age-specific curriculum, and this allows the child to work at their own achievement level. 

If you have any questions, please drop by the office.  

CONTEST: If you can tell us which class did a story by Jan Brett and what the story was called, your child can stop by the preschool office and pick a prize out of the prize box!!