Okay! We have just made it through another month of winter and we are hoping we have seen the last of the cold and ice! We are ready for some longer days and some milder weather to kick-start Spring!
REGISTRATION FORMS for September 2020 Preschool classes should be handed in to the preschool office before Feb. 1st if you want PRIORITY REGISTRATION.
PRESCHOOL CLOSED on FRIDAY, JAN. 31st for our teacher's Professional Development Workshop.
SAMOSA ORDERS due FEB. 13TH! Thanks for supporting our school!
Please note: The red gate at the Ridgewood Drive entrance to our parking lot is being moved. Preschool families should be parking in the main parking lot (entrance on Wellington) and can park in any space in the main section. The smaller section, behind the red gate, will be for Church staff and Church visitors only. Please
do not park in the small parking lot section that enters off of Ridgewood Drive.
DISCOVERY TWOS - Arsi, Danielle, Marjan, Rose, Vibha
Thank you parents for all the lovely gifts and kind words
of encouragement and appreciation expressed in your Christmas cards to us.
We wish you all the best in 2020!

What a fun and exciting month of January we had learning
about winter. We discovered that
penguins and polar bears live where it is very cold. We also learned about what clothes we would
need to dress ourselves for winter weather.
Some winter art activities that the children enjoyed doing were
decorating mittens with tissue paper, making winter collage, gluing igloo with
white pieces of paper, melted snowmen with shaving cream and glue, ice- cube painting, decorated penguins with
different shapes, made polar bears and made winter hats with roller brush.
At circle time, we talked about winter animals, Five
little penguins felt rhyme, snowmen, snowmen what do you see and colour
recognition winter mitten game.

Here are some of our favourite songs:
Snowball, Snowball
Cold and round
Behind which mittens can you be found?
Snowflake Dance
( Sung to: Are you Sleeping)
Dance like snowflakes,
Dance like snowflakes,
In the air, In the air
Whirling, Twirling snowflakes
Whirling Twirling snowflakes

Here and there, Here and there
Gung Hay Fat Choi- we also celebrated Chinese New
Years. For art, we created fireworks
with red and gold paint. Our 2’s really
enjoyed exploring and pouring red and white rice. At circle we read a book about my first
Chinese New Year followed by five little red dragons felt song.

202 had the opportunity to learn a little about Australia
as Danielle had been there on a holiday.
They did dot-to-dot patterns using q-tips on boomerangs and read ' I am
Australian '. We acted out the way Australian animals walk or fly using hand
We would like to ask that you as parents continue to
support your children’s independence with a few simple tasks when they come
into the classroom. Please continue to
have your children walk up and down the stairs by themselves holding the
railing and/or your hand. When they get
to their cubbies, please have them hang up their jackets on the hook. And
encourage them to put their own snack bag in the basket.
Our theme’s for February will be Love, Friendship,
Feeling and Transportation.
As always, please come and talk to us if you have any
TREEHOUSE ROOM- Karen, Susan, Brita, Marjan, Carol

Welcome back to the Treehouse room for January! It was a
busy month of learning for the children. For the first week, we explored the
topics of winter, snow, and snowflakes. For week two, we covered the topics of
snow, ice, the cold, and winter clothing. For the third week, we explored the
world of Black and Grizzly bears of B.C., and Chinese New Year! We finished off
for the last week by having fun with teddy bears!

We started off the month by painting snowflakes with salt
water that crystallized when dry. The children created melted snowmen by
painting with shaving cream and glue and placing the pieces of the snowmen on
the snow. The water table had snow and ice in it. The play dough table had snow
slime that the children could manipulate and play with. At circle, we read the
books “ The old lady who swallowed some snow” and “ Winter, winter cold and
snow”. We learned a felt rhyme “5 Little Snowmen”, and talked about winter
activities and what you can do in the snow.

For week two, we continued our theme on winter and added
ice and the cold. At art, the children created penguins by gluing the pieces on
the penguin, ice painting, and stamp painting mitten shapes. At circle, we read
the felt story “The mitten” and played find the missing mitten.

The children learned about the Black Bears and Grizzly
Bears of B.C. and Chinese New Year for week 3. For art, we painted Black bear
shapes, made paper plate Grizzly bear faces, painted lanterns, and fans. At
circle, the children explored the world of our B.C. bears. They learned about
where they live, diet, appearance, and
other fun facts. We read the books “Yodel the Black Yearling” and “Bear is
Hungry” and the rhyme 5 Black Bears. For Chinese New Year, the children were
educated about the celebration. They were shown pictures about the lantern
celebrations, fancy foods, and dress. We talked about the year of the rat and
gave out good luck red envelopes and coins for good luck. We talked about the
different animals on the calendar and the meaning of each one. We played the
find the missing lantern game and we made rice for some fun snack!

Finally, we finished off the month with a teddy bear
theme! For art, the children created a teddy picnic scene by gluing on a
blanket, teddy, and food. At snack time, the children had a picnic on a big
blanket with their stuffed animals. At
circle time, the children played hide the teddy game, danced and sang to the
teddy bear picnic song. It was a lot of fun! It was a great way to finish off
the month!

Don’t forget about your children’s show and share time at
The fours will begin to take home Echo, the Killer Whale
on February the 6th.
SUNFLOWER ROOM - Arsi, Danielle, Carol
Wow! Christmas break sure went by fast! We
hope you all had a great time celebrating with your loved ones! We’d like to
thank you all for your wonderful gifts and very thoughtful cards!
January brought us a little bit of cold
winter weather, so we decided to dive into some stories from one our favourite
author, Robert Munsch! In the first week, we read “Deep Snow,” “Zero Below,”
and “Just One Goal.” These stories brought some giggles to the children.

children also enjoyed watching a “cut and tell story” called “Winter Fun with
Friends.” It was neat to see a piece of paper turn into a snowman right in
front of their eyes. Moreover, we enjoyed the felt rhymes “5 Little Snowmen,”
and “5 little Snowflakes.” For art, we decorated our own snowmen. We also used water-colours
on snowflake shaped diffusing paper, and we decorated our own winter boot shape
using various materials. The following week, we looked at penguins and polar
bears. We learned about where each
animal lives, what they eat, how they move,
and what they look like. We read the books, “Be Brave Little Penguin,”and
“Where’s Home Lil Pip?” There was a lot of laughter when we looked at the silly
felt rhyme of “5 Little Penguins on the ice.” They all fell down and bump their
heads. For art, the children used oval and heart shapes to create their own
The next animal was a polar bear. It was a great opportunity to
compare the 2 winter animals. The stories we read were “Good morning Polar
bear,” and the felt story “Polly the Polar Bear.” We used a fork to give the
polar bear head a special furry effect. What an interesting way to paint!

The children sure had missed Danielle and
she had missed them too! We also wanted to thank Brita for helping us out! She
was great fun! The topic was Australia and the amazing animals in the outback.
There was talk about emus, kangaroos, snakes, koalas, kookaburras, and
echidnas. The children listened to the stories called “Hunwick’s Egg,” “ABC Dreaming,”
and “I’m Australian too.” These books were a great introduction to the various
animals in the outback and about Australia. We even got a chance to listen to
Danielle sing the song “Kookaburra,” and the children sang with her too. At the
art table, we practiced our hand eye coordination by tracing and cutting a
boomerang shape. We then used Q-tips with red, white, and black paint to
decorate them. They looked great.

Furthermore, we also made a collage of the
Australian outback by using the same method with the Q-tip. Once the children
decorated their scene, they picked one animal, either an emu, kangaroo, or a
frill necked lizard, to glue on their scene. All the kids were super excited to
get a little surprise from Danielle from Australia. She truly had missed them
Gung Hay Fat Choy! We learned how to say
Happy New Year as we learned about the customs of Chinese New Year. The
children listened to the story called “Bringing in the New Year,” and enjoyed
the felt rhyme “5 Golden Dragons.” We talked about the many animals and how this year was the year of the
rat! We danced with streamers with beautiful traditional music and the children
all got a red envelope to take home for good luck! What a fun day!
On our last week in January, we turned to
the classic Ukrainian stories of Jan Brett. We read “The Mitten,” “The Hat” and
a few others of her collection. For art, the children traced and glued the
animals onto the mitten and decorated their own hats too. We also looked at the
felt rhymes “5 Little Mittens” and “5 Colourful Umbrellas.” What a great way to
end this month!
In the coming weeks, we will be talking
about Valentine’s Day, kindergarten readiness and continuing our bucket
If you have any questions or concerns,
please do not hesitate to ask your teachers!
was a short month for music and we worked mostly on the Rhythm family. We can
play the different members of the Rhythm family on various handheld instruments
we have been introduced to. Such as, the clavi, tambourine, cymbals, maracas
and triangle. One of the children’s favourite activities, which doubles as a
reward for hard work, is doing a ‘parade’ around the classroom. With our
collection instruments in hand and big smiles on our faces, we are heading for
big success in the months to come. Our Easter Service, in April, is going to be
wrap up January, we are going to build our skills in recognizing the Rhythm
family members, in a real piece of music; March of the Toreadors, composed by
George Bizet, during the Classical music era.

goals for February are, learning to use the Rhythm family notes in small
sequences to make rhythmic patterns that we can clap. Singing the notes of the
rhythmic patterns and guessing the rhythmic pattern based on what we hear. We
will also continue with our ‘listening’ portion of the class and begin learning
about the Woodwind family.
tuned for a surprise, take home, music class craft!
Routines: Everyday Magic!
Children in the preschool years thrive on routines.
They like their lives to be clear and predictable, and they enjoy the security
of comfortable repetition (which is, incidentally, one of the easiest ways for
young children to learn).

A familiar routine in the morning, at
mealtimes, and at bedtime can eliminate the need children often feel to test
their boundaries. Clear expectation and predictable activities can smooth
the rough spots out of a youngster’s day (and that of his/her parents and

As children grow older and begin school, using routines can
eliminate many of the hassles surrounding chores or homework, especially when
the child is old enough to help create family rules and routines. When
the child knows the routine, the parent or teacher just has to asks “What is
our routine?” and everyone knows what should happen next. Routines will
vary from family to family, from preschool to preschool, but they are useful
ways to take the struggle out of the terrible trio of sleeping, eating and