Well, here we are in May and we certainly know that the weather can change at the drop of a hat!!
HEY!! DID YOU HEAR WHAT HAPPENED?? Please check out what went on in our Classrooms. We are at the end of the year and the teachers have been amping up their programs. We have the finish line in our sights!
RAINBOW ROOM - Danielle (T/Th), Susan (M/W), Vibha (M,T, W, Th)
Hello two’s
We have spent another enjoyable month within the Rainbow Room. A few of the highlights have been celebrating Easter, getting up close and personal with bugs and fundraising for an important charity.
Within the
month of April the Preschool takes on an important role in fundraising for the BC Children's Hospital. The fundraiser is called Jeans Week and we encourage
our families to come to school in denim to show their support. Money raised
will go to the hospital to help children in BC who need medical care. We feel
fortunate to have such generous support from all the families within the
preschool, thanks again.
Easter celebrations were a pleasure to facilitate this year and the children were very engaged with the idea of it all. We decorated cookies, went on a hunt for the Easter Bunny and created some lovely Easter art. We hope that each of you enjoyed some family time.
Now that the nice weather is upon us, we are hoping to spend lots of time in our playground. The playground provides the children with the opportunity to climb, jump and use large body movements. The teachers love to spend time outside as well, so we are all looking forward to it!As usual, please send your children with weather appropriate footwear and clothing, this helps them enjoy their time at preschool even more.
A couple reminders for the
next month ahead: The preschool is closed on Friday, May 5th for a Professional Development Day, as well as May 22nd which is Victoria day.
Thank you
for taking the time to read the Classroom Blog. It is always nice to have the
parents learn more about what their children are doing within the school.
TREEHOUSE ROOM - Karen (M-F)), Gabi (M-F), Carol (T/Th). Rose (T/Th)
SUNFLOWER ROOM - Danielle, Carol, Rose
Spring is here,
hurray! Thankfully, we’re able to spend even more time outside and the sandbox
has dried out enough to be put to good use again.
Our April programming started with Easter. We had a great time in the Sunflower Room making Easter eggs, bunny rabbits, bunny masks and baskets to collect chocolate eggs in. On the Wednesday before Easter, the Easter Bunny mysteriously visited St. Catherine's (leaving big pink footprints on the floor) and hid chocolate eggs for the children to find and collect in their baskets. To help keep things fair and to practice their counting skills, the children were shown a diagram of how many and which types of eggs they were to find. A great game that was lots of fun and good practice.
We have finished with
the project of sending Echo, our orca, home with each child, but we have kept
the book (binder) containing the pictures and captions of each visit. It sits
on our bookshelf and the children are really enjoying looking through it. They
don’t just want to look for their own entries and pictures. We’re hearing them
ask their friends about their section: “What’s happening here?” “Tell me about
it.” It’s lovely to see these friendships maturing. Thank you, parents, for
participating in our Echo unit, it really means a lot to the children.
Jeans Week
We started Jeans Week with the now traditional art of glitzing and glamming up a small pair of denim jeans. Sequins and glitter are always a popular addition to the art table.
We’d like to thank
everyone who supported our fundraiser for B.C. Children’s Hospital. Our
children enjoyed putting donations into the upturned umbrella, and in the
classroom we talked about what that money might be used for. We linked this
with discussions about caring for others, sharing and being helpful; this also
flowed into early plans for Mother’s Day and the special gift the children have
been working on. (Which of course is still a secret.)
The children have
developed great friendships in the Sunflower Room. Each day, we see examples of
genuine empathy for each other. When a child recently misplaced something
important to them, the rest of the class stopped what they were doing and
hunted all over the room to find it. This was spontaneous, and “child-lead” (
the teachers didn’t ask them to help). They are becoming more and more helpful
towards each other, sharing and taking turns is becoming easier and more common
We have wrapped up our theme of looking at each letter of the alphabet. The children really enjoyed bringing in the Alphabet Box when it was their turn, and showing the class the objects they’d found at home starting with “their letter”. It’s a very worthwhile exercise and we thank the parents for their help with this.
Theming our art and
science tables with the alphabet lead to some fun and “experiential” projects
and experiments; the experience being as or more important than the outcome.
For instance, V for volcano, meant a multi- day art project making a clay
volcano and then painting it and adding smoke! We were so pleased at the fun
the children had making them as well as how unique and individual each one was.
Of course, we also created a “real” volcano for the science table with foaming
lava making a wonderful mess. The children helped measure out the ingredients
and we were all very excited by the awesome results.
For the letter X, we
had a few xylophones on the science table and also used xylophones in our music
class that week.
Eric Carle
We ended April looking at the books and artwork of Eric Carle. We combined this with a theme on bugs. The books we featured included:
The Very Hungry
The Very Busy Spider
The Lonely Firefly
The Grouchy Ladybug
The Mixed up Chameleon
For art we used a lot
of tissue paper, glue and water colours to make abstract pictures as well as a
butterfly and a chameleon, all in the style of Eric Carle.
Included in our bug
study was a bug walk outside, searching around our building, around the
gardens, as well as finding the odd tiny spider inside!
What a great month we’ve had. We look forward to going “ Around The World” in May, and learning about each other’s cultural and familial heritage. It will be another opportunity for each child to share something of themselves with the class and to practice speaking to the group.
Thanks again for your ongoing support for our classroomRESOURCE ROOM - Marion
May is a very special month with our Butterfly Kits arriving on May 10th and Mother's Day on May, 14th. The caterpillars will start off in the office to give them a chance to eat and grow. Once all the caterpillars have formed their chrysalises, they will reside in an aquarium in the Treehouse Room (2 weeks). All the classes take turns visiting and anxiously waiting for the Painted Lady Butterflies to emerge (10 days). They are kept in the classroom and then are released into the Memorial Garden.