Thanks Dessert Gems for donating this fab cake to our auction! |
Christmas is such a special time at preschool. I love walking through the hallways and hearing the children singing "Jingle Bells' and "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" (or the theme song from Frozen!) and looking at all the beautiful artwork up on the boards. The Christmas Services were fantastic and I think you will all agree that the children were so sweet up there performing! A HUGE THANK YOU to Laura our new music teacher for putting together her first Services and of course Marion who helped at every step of the way to make sure that everything ran smoothly as well as our teachers who worked so hard to make sure that the children knew their songs and were taken care of on the night.
This month we have been working on putting together a very special Christmas hamper for a family in need on the North Shore. This year our family consists of a mum with twin 3 year old boys. We know that they are going to be extremely excited to receive this hamper full of toys and surprises as well as gift cards to Real Canadian Superstore and Walmart so that mum can go out and buy the groceries she needs this Christmas. Your generosity will make this family's Christmas much brighter!
Yummy worms and dirt cake! |
We would also like to say thank you to all our parents for their support over the past few months from helping out in the classrooms, to preparing special treats for our parties to making donations to our various events and fundraisers, we really appreciate it!
From the whole team here at St. Catherine's Preschool we would like to wish all of our families a joyous, safe and relaxing Christmas and a very happy New Year!
Important Upcoming Dates:
From the whole team here at St. Catherine's Preschool we would like to wish all of our families a joyous, safe and relaxing Christmas and a very happy New Year!
Important Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday December 17: Class Christmas Parties 201/403
Thursday December 18: Class Christmas Parties 202/302/304
As you know we have been fundraising for 2 new light tables for our preschool (we are sick and tired of heavy tables around here!!). Seriously though, light tables are fantastic tools for multi-sensory exploration and play and we are so excited to say that as we have surpassed our goal of raising the $1500; we will be ordering them as soon as we get back to preschool in January!!
With all the fundraising we do 50% goes towards classroom needs 25% goes towards updating our office equipment and 25% goes into a contingency fund for future needs.
Fundraising Totals:
PIZZA NIGHT $993.00 ($496.50 towards light tables)
PURDY'S $554.05 ($277.00 towards light tables)
WINE RAFFLE $2410.00 ($1205.00 towards light tables)
TOTAL $3957.05 ($1978.53 towards light tables)
A note from the Discovery 2's Sali, Vibha, Stephanie, Danielle, Estelle
For the month of November, it was all about hibernation.
We all worked together to paint a big tree for our chipmunks to hibernate
in and we decorated paper plate snails. We also worked together to paint a bear
cave and then we decorated bears with cinnamon to put around it and we made
bear masks. At circle we read "Goldilocks and The Three Bears". For art we glued
oats onto three bowls; a large one for
Papa Bear, a medium sized one for Mama Bear, and a small one for Baby bear. To
end our theme we had a teddy bear picnic. It was great to see all of the
children in their pajamas and having their favourite stuffies with them. For
snack we laid out some blankets and enjoyed the egg-free oatmeal cookies
we made that day. They were delicious!
If you see that your child is showing signs that they are
ready to be toilet trained, the two weeks off for winter break would be a great
opportunity to start. It is always great for children to have consistency at
home and school so if you have started toilet training, please let us know and
we will continue doing the same at school. When you come to school, please send
your child in underwear and bring plenty of extra clothes (underwear, pants,
socks, and shoes). Good luck!
301’s class Christmas Party will be on
Friday, December 19th. Family members are welcome to come in and
join us at 11:15 to sing some Christmas songs with us!
For the month of November we focused on a very popular
author, Robert Munsch. We read many of his stories at circle time
and then for art we would create something that was connected to the story of
the day. For the story "The Fire Station" we made fire trucks, for "Andrew's Loose
Tooth" we decorated a tooth, for "Get Out of Bed" we made beds, for "Mmm, Cookies!" We decorated play dough cookies, for "The Paper Bag Princess" we made a princess
with a paper bag, for "The sandcastle Contest" we made castles, for "Roar" we made
hand-print lions, and for "Makeup Mess" we created paper plate faces.
We then focused on the great author and
song writer Raffi. We used his songs to
dance too, move around, create some great art i.e. Beluga whales, trees that
grow, the world we live in and a fishy aquarium. We read some new books and some favourite
ones. "Baby Beluga", "Shake Your Sillies
Out" and "Everything Grows" were the more popular ones, but we also discovered new
books "This Little Light of Mine" and "Me, Myself & I".
Just a little reminder that we are here
for 4 hours, so it is better to pack more food than not. Leftovers can always be taken home. We also ask if you could please separate Lunch and
Snack...This is a great opportunity for the children to learn what should be eaten for Snack and what is best left for Lunch, as they will be at full time Kindergarten next year and making
their own choices.
A note from class 403 Stephanie and Permjit
We also took one day out of the month to talk about
Remembrance Day. For art we made poppies using hearts.
Friday December 19: Class Christmas Parties 301/401/402
Friday December 19: 4's Christmas Caroling in the village.
Friday December 19: Last day of classes.
Saturday December 20-Sunday January 4: Christmas break.
Monday January 5: Preschool re-opens.
For General information please contact Tina or Jen in the office:
Tel: 604-980-1326
Fax: 604-982-3277
Please "LIKE" our Facebook page "St. Catherine's Child Care Society"
A note from our parent board members:
Thank you to everyone who donated wine, bought or sold tickets for our wine raffle. We sold over 200 tickets and made over $2400 so this was a very successful fundraiser for our preschool!
The winners were:
3rd prize and winner of 4 bottles of wine: Andrea Youck
2nd prize and winner of 8 bottles of wine: Jonathan Mackin
1st prize and winner of 12 bottles of wine: Lauren Sinclair
Thank you so much for your support and cheers to a very Merry Christmas Season with your children and families!
Fundraising Update:
Wine Auction!! |
With all the fundraising we do 50% goes towards classroom needs 25% goes towards updating our office equipment and 25% goes into a contingency fund for future needs.
Fundraising Totals:
PIZZA NIGHT $993.00 ($496.50 towards light tables)
PURDY'S $554.05 ($277.00 towards light tables)
WINE RAFFLE $2410.00 ($1205.00 towards light tables)
TOTAL $3957.05 ($1978.53 towards light tables)
A note from the Discovery 2's Sali, Vibha, Stephanie, Danielle, Estelle
Next it was onto a very special time of the year;
Christmas! We put extra love into a very special Christmas surprise that we
made. We decorated angels with shiny paper, Christmas ball ornaments, salt
dough ornaments, foam snowflakes, and painted with pine tree branches. At circle we've been singing many Christmas songs and
listening to Christmas stories.
Now we are looking forward to our Christmas party and spending some time with our families, enjoying some yummy treats and celebrating together on our last day of preschool before our Christmas break.
With the weather getting colder, we would like to remind
parents to dress their child warmly (jacket, mittens, toque) as we will be
going outside if it is not raining.
Pine branch painting! |
We would like to send our warmest wishes to you and your
family during the holiday season! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
A note from 301 Gabi, Permjit and Sousan
November was an ‘easy month’ in our
class, we tried our best to take time to connect with each of ‘our’ children and plan activities that were fun and helpful for them to make new connections
with each other. We used some well-known children's stories to discuss anything
that interested our little friends. We incorporated some teaching of healthy
habits and the importance of proper hygiene to stay well in our Circle times.
We can’t believe it is already December!
There is magic in the air (with some help of the occasional use of peppermint,
cocoa, ginger or cinnamon in our play-dough!) The children are starry eyed
from all the excitement, preparation and anticipation that only the Christmas Season can bring.
We started the season off early, the
last week of November, with introducing the Nativity Story. The children were delighted
to play with the sets we have at the preschool to re-tell the story. We practiced every time we could fit
into our busy schedule for the Christmas Service, and all the time sitting on
the carpet instead of playing paid off! They were fantastic! Even some of the
shy 3’s participated and we are just as proud as you must be!
Enjoy the moments with your loved ones
during the Christmas break, and have a Happy New Year!
A note from 302 Gabi, Narine and Karen
November was a nice, relaxing month to
prepare ourselves for the busy, full of activities month of December. We were lucky
enough to be able to spend most days outside and observe changes in nature. To
brighten the few dark rainy days we used vivid colors and lot of sparkles in
art projects!
It is wonderful to see the children
walking into the classroom looking for faces, new friends they can’t wait to see
again, talk to, play with. They are comfortable enough with us the teachers too
to ask for help, particular toys or stories.They all settled in nicely and
proud that they can follow directions and routines with just a little, or
no help at all from the teachers!
December is a magical, most
anticipated month of the year for the youngest (and for some of us as well),
but also the busiest at home and at school. We introduced the Nativity Story first
before we moved into practicing our songs and rhyme for the Christmas Service.
With only two days a week we had to sacrifice some well loved free play time
and a few last bites of snacks to memorize lines and tunes but it was worth it! They all looked
adorable and performed well! Thank you parents, Laura and Marion!
Lots and lots of sparkles, funny
Christmas stories, and some new Christmas songs will make us happy for the
little time we have left of this year.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year!
A note from 401 Stephanie, Narine and Karen
We also took one day out of the month to talk about
Remembrance Day. For art we made poppies using hearts.
December was such a busy month for us. At circle we
talked about the story of Christmas and then for art we created a nativity
scene with Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. We worked on a special Christmas
surprise, made snowmen, decorated gingerbread people, and snowflakes with
The children have worked so hard practicing their songs
for the Christmas Service. It was a huge success. They all did such an amazing
job at singing. Thank you to Laura for putting it all together and Marion for
all her work in organizing everything.
Now we look forward to spending some time all together at the Christmas parties. It
is always nice to be around family and friends during this time of the year and we are glad that we get to do a little bit of celebrating with you and your children!
To end the last day of school before the holidays we
will go Christmas caroling in Edgemont. This is a special tradition that we only do with our 4 year old programs and the business owners and people strolling through the village are always really happy to hear our preschoolers singing for them!
Wishing you and your family a joyous holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
A note from 402 Danielle, Arsi and Sousan
Wow, how time flies...We have been at
school for just over 3 months and it will soon be time for Christmas break.
The month of November has been very busy.
We started off with Remembrance Day. This
was a great opportunity for us to reinforce why we should use our words; so
people don`t get hurt. We decorated our own Poppies and listened to some
Remembrance Day Poems.
Next we moved onto "The Nutcracker". This was a fun filled week. We read the story, watched the movie, listened to the music and participated in many fun art activities. We decorated Ballerinas, assembled and
painted Soldiers and Nutcrackers but best of all, we painted to the music of "The Dance of Hot Chocolate, Tea and Coffee..." The room smelled like Starbucks!
We have also had fun listening to our Class
Pet Echo's, many adventures. He sure
gets around and he loves to have his photo taken!
In our last few weeks, we have been busy
talking about Christmas...Writing our letters to Santa was our first task. We have also been busy making decorations for
our homes, Christmas presents for our families and just enjoying the spirit of
Christmas...We plan to end our last week of school with Caroling in the Village
and a party when we return.
Please continue to send extra clothing as
there are some very enthusiastic painters and children who enjoy water play.
With the cold weather here, please remember to send warm coats and hats. Our
playground is shaded and tends to be cooler earlier in the day.
If you have any questions or concerns,
please feel free to speak to either Danielle, Arsi or Sousan.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
A note from class 304 Vibha, Stephanie and Gabi
For the month of November we focused on a frozen theme.
We worked together to paint a big white ice castle, we used glue and shaving
cream to make puffy "Olaf" snowmen, painted with ice cubes, decorated popsicle
stick snowflakes with glitter, and created ice sculptures with a variety of
different shaped ice. We used salt to make the ice stick together so they we
would be able to put up and create different structures with them. Then we used
pipettes to colour the ice sculptures with water colour.
December seemed to approach us so quickly. We were so
busy preparing for the Christmas services. The children worked so hard
practicing their songs and they all sang beautifully that night. Thank you to
Laura for putting it together and to Marion for organizing everything.
At circle we talked about the story of Christmas and how
it was all about the birth of Baby Jesus. For art the children all helped to
colour the different characters of the nativity scene and we put them up in our
classroom to show us the story of Christmas. We worked on a special Christmas
surprise, decorated trees with glitter, paper plate wreaths with sequins, and
3D Christmas trees. We also went for a walk through the village to see all of
the Christmas decorations in the store windows.
No we are looking forward to having our Christmas party on Thursday and spending some time with our families celebrating this special time of year. Thanks to all the parents who are providing some yummy treats for our party!
We would like to wish you and your family a wonderful
holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
For the month of November we spent a week talking about
shapes, a week about colours, and a week learning about numbers. At circle we would talk
about the different shapes, then for art we would create things using a variety
of different shapes such as people and vehicles. For numbers we made a
caterpillar and each circle represented a number in which the children put that
amount of stickers onto it. For colours we heard the felt story "Mouse Paint" which the children really enjoyed. For art we used the three primary colours
and mixed two of them together to create a new colour. We used shaving cream
and made prints with these colours.
December was such a busy month for us. At circle we
talked about the story of Christmas and then for art we created a nativity
scene with Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. We worked on a special Christmas
surprise, decorated gingerbread people, Christmas trees and salt dough star
ornaments with glitter. We drew a picture for Santa and we were so excited to
hear back from him. It was exciting to see the letters he sent us!
The children worked so hard practicing their songs
for the Christmas Service and it was a huge success. They all did such an amazing
job at singing. Thank you to Laura for putting it all together and Marion for
all her work in organizing everything.
Now we are looking forward to our Christmas party. It
is always nice to be around family and friends during this time of the year.
Thank you to everyone who is bringing a treat for our celebration.
To end the last day of school before the holidays we
will be going Christmas caroling through the village which is so much fun!
Wishing you and your family a joyous holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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