St. Catherine's Preschool is
Welcome back everyone! Wow! October already! The preschool is falling into it's organized chaos of drop offs, transitions, and pick ups! Preschool can be a well oiled machine or can be a little like herding just never know! Either way, we sure have a great time!
Please remember to check the bulletin boards at your child's classroom door as well as the main bulletin board at the bottom of the stairs leading to the preschool office. That way you won't miss out on important notices, health information, parent workshops and notices posted by your fellow families.
Don't forget to visit:
Important Dates:
Oct 20 - Elmer the Safety Elephant (4s)
Oct 30 - Children's Halloween Party (201,301,401,403)
Oct 31 - Children's Halloween Party (202, 302, 402)
Nov 2 - Photo Day (302, 402)
Nov 3 - Photo Day (301, 401, 403)
Nov 15 - Pizza Night & Cake Walk
We are looking for a Parent to be our Secretary on our Board. Let us know if you would like to find out more!! Only 4 meetings to attend all year!! You'll be glad you did (and it looks good on a resume!!!).
AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT...A look at what goes on inside the classrooms!!!!!
(This is September AND October blog entries as I was a little slow in getting it all started this year!!)
DISCOVERY TWOS - Arsi, Danielle, Susan & Vibha
Our youngest members of St.Catherine's Preschool are beginning to
settle in nicely to the program. Most are happy to stretch their
boundaries. A few still need a little more time to feel secure with Mom
and Dad leaving. Such is the nature of two year olds!
Often this is
their first experience away from family. They love to explore their
surroundings, but still need to stay close to their primary base of support and
trust. Separation anxiety can be quite strong at this stage, but often it is
only the "good-bye" that is difficult. For this reason, we
encourage you to make "good-byes" short and reassuring.
We are still waiting for a few more family photos. Children love to
look at these pictures especially if they are missing mom or dad.
Check the white board outside the classroom for a synopsis of our
day and please feel free to talk to us if you have any questions or concerns.
We look forward to an exciting year- a year of tremendous growth
in confidence and abilities. We hope that this first group experience
will be an enjoyable and memorable one for both you and your child.
301 - Estelle & Susan
Welcome new and returning
parents. This coming school year we will be doing lots of themes such as Bears
as well as our usual seasonal and holiday themes.
For the next few weeks we
will be getting use to the classroom routine and working on self help skills
such as putting away snack, helping to clean up etc.
The children also get to have
a music class once a week with Rachel and participate in the Christmas and
Spring concerts.
If you have any questions or
concerns please feel free to talk to Susan or Estelle.
302 - Karen, Sousan, Brita
music teacher Rachel came in to visit the children and sang ‘Shake your sillies
out’. She also taught her ‘Hello’ song. We will be having music on Tuesdays.
some reminders about what we discussed from the first day.
are a peanut free school.
all containers and lunch bags
ask that you put your child’s snack in the cubby instead of leaving it in their
back pack
extra clothing in your child's back pack
take your child to the bathroom before class
you have any questions or concerns we are always available to talk. If that day
is particularly busy we can always arrange another time.
Can you believe a month has
already passed!? It was a pleasure for us in the Treehouse room to get to know
all the children and their families. Our gradual entry was very smooth and
successful this year. The children seem happy to meet new
friends and just as happy to say hello to their old friends.
Our children have been
learning some new skills such as adjusting to the daily routine, lining up,
sitting on the carpet during Circle Time, washing their hands before snack,
cleaning up the toys, just to name a few. We are giving them the opportunity to
practice these life skills so they become more confident and independent within
the classroom. They are also learning their manners during play time, such as
sharing toys, helping each other, and waiting their turn patiently for a chance
to play with a toy.
401 - Karen & Rosie
And wow! What a wonderful first month back at school! All of the children have reunited after summer break, finding new friendships and keeping old ones. We started off our month by having discussions about ourselves and the things that we like showing us that many of us had a lot in common.
The children talked about their favourite animals, and made very special drawings of them to show their classmates. The children were very proud of their drawings, and found confidence in themselves to talk about their favourite animal with one another sparking lots of different pretend play stories!
The children have loved the sunny days outside and find lots of joy running and laughing with their friends as we all start to feel the crisp fall air. As we get deeper into the season this month, we will be learning about Thanksgiving and Halloween.
some reminders about what we discussed the first day of class.
-we are a peanut-free school
-please call the office or let us know if your child is
going to be absent
-label all containers and lunch bags
-we ask that you put
your child's snack in the cubby instead
of leaving it in his/her backpack
-pack extra clothing in their backpacks
-please take your child to the bathroom before class
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, we
are looking forward to a fantastic year!
402 - Arsi & Danielle
Summer sure blew by fast and we are ready for another fun and exciting preschool year! This is the time of the year to get to know one another and learn the new expectations at school.
Below is the parent information handout sheet so please take a look for important reminders as the children begin their full days.
● 402 program runs from 9am-1pm Tuesdays & Thursdays in the Sunflower room and Fridays in the Rainbow room
● There will be cubbies set up outside the sunflower room for your child and in the rainbow room the cubbies are inside
the room where children may pick their own cubbies each Friday with their provided name tags
● St.Catherine’s preschool is a NUT FREE zone, even if our class may not have allergies we do share the room with
other children that may be allergic
● Upon arrival each morning, we do ask parents to please take your child to the bathroom in order for the teachers to be
on the floor for morning communication/questions with parents/nannies etc
● Since we are a longer day, there will be 2 opportunities for the children to eat - snack & lunch
● We do ask that you pack more food than less because we are a busy class and the children do get quite hungry
● Please pack a separate snack from lunch so your child will know which one is for each eating period
● We do ask parents to leave the snack out in their child’s cubby so they will have quick access to it
● Please label all containers and also cups/water bottles (we do not drink juice or milk at school)
● We do not use the microwave for children’s food however thermoses are fine
● Please provide extra clothes in their bags in case of accidents or water spills/paint etc
● We do ask all toys to stay at home, unless it’s a comfy toy/blanket, in which case must remain in their cubby because
we don’t want them to get lost or ripped
● If your child is going to be absent for holidays or is sick, please do let us know either by calling the office or telling
● If you have any questions or concerns, we are always available to talk. If that particular day is busy please feel free to
set up another day and we will discuss any concerns you may have

the children get to know each other, to also set up playdates outside of school time. This allows children to make new
friends in a quieter setting where they may feel comfortable to be more social.
403 - Estelle & Sousan
Welcome new and returning
parents. This year we have a class of threes and fours. We will be doing lots
of fun themes this year and as we get to know each other, we would like some of
their input as to what things they would like to explore and learn about.
Soon we will be starting to learn
about the calendar and picking our Daily Leader and Leader’s Friend.
The leader helps the teacher with the calendar and leads the line up when we go to the Gym or to wash our hands. The leader’s
friend gets to follow in second. All of the children will get a few chances
during the year in both roles.
We also have a classroom
mascot, a stuffed whale named Echo, which all the children will get a turn with
one weekend. More details to follow. We will start this a little later in the
We have a main rule in our
class “No one gets hurt” and the children will make a collective poster which
will be near our circle carpet.
The children have settled in nicely to the new school year.
First off we talked about our
personal space and respecting other’s as well. To make this concrete for the
children, we refer to it as a bubble. We drew a person with a bubble around them
and discussed how we can say you are in my bubble etc. We are also working on
using our words and telling our friends how we feel and if we don’t like
Next we introduced the
meaning of our Johnny Appleseed grace song (that we use at snack) with a video.
We also made apple prints, cutting the apple sideways and cross ways to show the
star. Next we did some apple taste testing; we tried Granny Smith, Pink Lady, Gala and McIntosh. The favourites were Granny Smith and Pink Lady.
Our last week of September we
started in on Fall. We did leaf rubbings, made a bracelet with fall colours and
used eyedroppers to decorate fusion paper leaves. We also talked about the
changing leaf colours and cooler temperature.
Please come and see us if you have any questions or concerns during the year.
MUSIC - Rachel
This month in music class we will be welcoming the
children into the world of music, and welcoming music into the world of
children! We will begin by reading a book titled Music Is For Everyone. We will
sing Hello Songs and songs about Autumn, learn chants about apples and leaves,
and of course do some dancing! We will also learn the special music words for
"loud" and "quiet" and practice playing along on the drums.
Welcome everyone to another exciting year at St.
Catherine’s. I have enjoyed reconnecting with the families and meeting
new ones.
The 3s will be developing their fine motor skills (pincher grasp,
using scissors and completing more advanced puzzles), their gross motor skills
(riding bikes and climbing).
The 4s will be getting ready for
Kindergarten while developing their literacy skills (chants, rhymes and playing
sequencing games) and numeracy skills (matching and sorting objects).
They will continue to learn problem solving and socialization through play.
Some things to work on at home would be walking holding hands when
out in the neighbourhood and discuss with them why we hold hands with an adult;
TO BE SAFE. Also, allowing them to practice their stair climbing skills by
holding onto a railing.
Games help children retain important messages and
boundaries. Playing Stop & Go by letting them run in the park a
little way and then saying, “Stop”. They love repetition, so play this
game often.
We are
encouraging all the children to be as independent as they can with going up and
down stairs, getting their coats on and hanging them up when they come back
indoors. They all get their snacks from their cubbies, open their
containers and clean up afterwards. Setting expectations and following
through with those expectations is the foundation for a confident child.
We have an open door policy so please feel free to talk with your child’s
teachers and I am around if you have any questions for me. Together
we will smile, laugh and learn this year.
If you have any questions, concerns, comments or just want to chat, stop by the office for a visit!!
Sincerely, Tina Spencer, Director
St. Catherine's Childcare Society
St. Catherine's Childcare Society
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