Ok! We have almost made it to the end of 2020...THANK GOODNESS!!
Let's hope that the next year is a much healthier and much more normal time for all of us!
But for now...we still have 2 weeks to go so let's tighten up our boot straps and HOLD ON TIGHT!! We have a lot of FUN to pack in to these next few days ahead!!
The Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative is in full force in the TREEHOUSE Room. All families in this class should have received their NEW FEE SCHEDULES FOR JANUARY. Hopefully we will be able to add the Sunflower Room to this Program in the new year. We will keep you informed.
RAINBOW ROOM - Danielle, Marjan, Vibha
Wow, one more month and it is Christmas! Time flies!
But boy, we had such a busy and fantastic month of November.
For circle time, we read the Downward Dog book and Dog yoga poses during circle time. We had Milo and Maggie's adventure story tape, as well as the "White Dog White Dog What Do You See" felt rhyme. We had lots of stuffy dogs at our house corner with Veterinarian tools for the children to pretend the dogs are sick and for examining them. We had dogs in the sand and water table. At the science table we had a felt board with lots of dog felts for children to have fun playing with.
Next we moved to the theme of Cats.
Children covered the cat-shaped construction paper with pieces of tissue papers
glued on it. They also made a black cat with paper tiles and added eyes and
tails to the cats. For circle time, we had "Mittens" book, "5 Little Cats Sitting
On a Row", and "Blue Cat Blue Cat What Do You See" felt stories. For another
circle time, we did "Pete the Cat White Shoes", "5 Little Animals" book, and "Pete
the Cat Groovy Buttons". We also had small plastic cats in the water and sand
tables, and a few cat stuffies at the house corner. At the science table, we
had a felt board with felt cats, and at the light table, we had some
mini plastic cats.
Our next theme was the Rain. For art, children used rubber boots to stamp boot prints on a paper. They stamped rain drops with paint using cotton balls on the umbrellas. Another day, they made boots with tissue paper. For circle time, we had "5 Little Umbrellas" colour game, the "Rain Rain Go Away", and the Bear with dress up felt stories. We also had a rain instrument and sang the "Rain Drop" song. At the water table, we had blue buttons and two cups with holes that the water flowed through. We had metal board with magnets at the science corner too. At the end of the week, we talked about Hibernation and that some animals like bears and snakes go to sleep when the weather gets cold. For art, we had roller painting on cardboard to make caves, and the children made bears with paper plates too. For circle time, we had "Brown Bea, Brown Bear What Do You See" book, "5 Little Tail" felt story, a hibernation felt rhyme, and the "Bear Goes Over the Mountain" song. We had two cozy box houses at the house corner with a lot of bear stuffies. We had bears at science table with pieces of wood. We also had colourful small bears at the light and water tables.
In the next few weeks, we will talk about Christmas. If you have any question please feel free to contact to office and make a time to talk to us.
TREEHOUSE ROOM - Arsi, Brita, Carol, Karen, Marjan, Rose
Welcome to the Robert Munsch world. We started the month with the author, Robert Munsch. During circle time, we read lots of books written by Mr. Munsch: Andrews Loose Tooth, Pyjama Day, the Sandcastle Contest, Class Clown, Paper Bag Princess, Smelly Socks, Cookies, No Clean Clothes, and Down the Drain.
For Remembrance Day, we talked to the children about the soldiers who fight for our country to keep us safe and why we should never forget them. We had art that day and children made lots of poppies.
There were lots of toys, puzzles, and books about space around the class. Inside the water table, we had rocks and colourful circle pompoms demonstrating planets. In the sand table, we had astronauts and lots of rocks, and children were enjoying to play with them. For circle time, we had lots of books and felt stories like:

We also watched a movie called Off Into Space. The children really
enjoyed it. We made constellations out of mini marshmallows and toothpicks.
Next few weeks, we will talk about Christmas.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact office.
Thanks for reading.
SUNFLOWER ROOM - Arsi, Carol, Danielle
As I sat down to write the November Newsletter I could not
believe how busy we have been and what we have been learning about. There is
soooo much, I am not sure I have will enough room.
We started November talking about Sea life. We talked about fish and how they swim in a school of fish and how whales swim in pods. We listened to the felt story ‘The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile’ and read “Fish Wish”. We then sang songs about ‘Slippery Fish, 5 Little Whales’ and guessed which fish was missing. We read ‘Orca’s Song & Whales’ and sang the action rhymes ‘The Whale Hokey Pokey, 3 Jelly Fish, Row, Row your Boat & Here is the Sea’. We read ‘One Tiny Turtle’ & ‘Turtle Soup’. We played ‘Which Sea Creature is under the blanket & Which Sea Creature is Missing? In the water table we even had ‘Green’ Seaweed mixed with crabs, starfish & octopus. For art we stamped ‘white spots’ onto orcas and glued tissue paper & cellophane onto fish & jellyfish. We also used a potato masher to make turtles, that was a lot of fun.
We also touched on Remembrance Day and how it is very
important for everyone to use their words when talking to each other and to
keep our hands to our own bodies. We read “The Soldiers Puppy & If The Kids
Ruled the World”. We listened to the rhyme 5 Soldiers & 5 Poppies. We
guessed which colored Poppy was missing & played ‘What’s the Time Mr.
Soldier?” In the water table we used tweezers to put black & red pompoms into
small containers and on the playdough table we used small shovels to scoop red
rice into more small containers – strengthening our hand and eye co-ordination.
For art we traced Poppy’s & decorated them with red tissue paper.
For the last few weeks of the year we will explore The
Nativity & Christmas, as well as continuing to have fun learning and
playing together.
Please remember to pack more food than less (one container
for snack & one for lunch) as we are here for 4 hours a day, so the
children get hungry. We will also be
going outside to play so pack appropriate footwear & jackets.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the
office so we can arrange a meeting after school hours.
Children love toys and the best toys are often the simplest ones, like Lego blocks – because they allow children to be creative and spontaneous. They enjoy toys that they can master and that are right for their stage of development. Preschoolers learn a lot about socialization and do a lot of pretend play.
This type of play allows them to get a sense of the real world. Hand puppets and finger puppets allow your child to use their imagination and create stories as they play. Crayons, finger paints and Play-Doh help develop creativity. Children also make huge gains in both fine and gross motor skills throughout this period, so puzzles, Lego and other construction toys are perfect age appropriate toys.
It is important to buy toys that involve brain activity and hand or muscle movements.
As we near Christmas break, I want to wish you all a Merry
Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
On Christmas Eve this year, St. Catherine's Church is planning a St. Catherine’s Christmas Eve Pageant at 3 pm.
Respecting Covid-19 regulations, the pageant may be hosted
on Zoom.
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